Unlock Your Potential: 10 Life-Changing Speeches on Spotify


Have you ever felt like you were so close to reaching your goals, but lacked the inspiration that was needed? There are lots of ways to get involved and get excited about your health and fitness. Motivation is often hard to come by, but once you find something that works for you, you will see drastic differences in your outcomes. Whether you need a little motivation to get out of bed in the morning, eat the right foods, hit the gym, or just to be the best you, these 10 speeches on Spotify are life changing. Start waking up with a smile on your face by listening to these motivational podcast episodes and audios.

Become the new and improved you. Decide if today is day one or one day. 

See It in Your Mind Bring It Into Your Reality (Motivational Speech)

If you are looking for the truth, look no further. Your dreams are not just a fantasy, but they are reality. Fearless Motivation portrays the fact that if you can envision the things you wish to accomplish, then they are not out of reach. This speech focuses on letting listeners know that they should not turn themselves away from an idea just because it seems outlandish and difficult to achieve. 

The speaker embraces physical struggle because the mind is a powerful tool. There is a clear message in this that you can either choose to be average or work to be extraordinary. The decision is yours to answer. “If you want to live an average life, that is fine. Keep your feet on the ground. But if you want to soar, if you want to achieve great things, you must not only think those crazy thoughts, but feel it.” 

WORK HARDER THAN EVERYONE ELSE – Best Gym Training Motivation

This podcast episode is the definition of motivation. If you need the verbal reinforcement that you have potential and capability to be better than your best, this is the podcast for you. The entirety of episodes on the Motiversity channel are all inspiring, but this one is special. A clear message that you are in charge of your mindset and responsible for any excuses. it is a longer listen, however, it leaves no room for doubt regarding your own potential.

Put this podcast episode on for a long run, a difficult lifting session, or even for pre-workout to get into the zone. WORK HARDER THAN EVERYONE ELSE will get you excited about accomplishing your fitness goals and experiencing the journey.

Keep Showing Up (Motivational Speech)

If positive reinforcement is your thing, this motivational speech on Spotify is built for you. The Keep Showing Up motivational speech perfectly shows the relationship between balancing what it feels like to consider giving up, but keep pushing forward regardless of the turmoil. There truly is nothing that can keep you from accomplishing the best version of yourself. A beautiful thing about life is that you get to decide what you can and cannot handle. “People don’t make it because they quit,” so do not give up on your dreams. 

The Comeback (Motivational Speech)

The comeback is always greater than the setback. This motivational audio projects kindness, understanding, and sympathy. Nothing that you’ve been through defines you. You have the capabilities to craft your own future, despite any shortcomings or past decisions. 

No matter how many times you turn left, you still can always turn right. “No matter how low you fall you can always get back up.” This motivational speech serves as a reminder that the sky’s the limit, and whether you are an individual who is just beginning their journey or is maybe even restarting one all you can control is the present.

I Dare You To Be Great (Motivational Speech)

This speech welcomes a challenge to the listener. It not only leaves you feeling motivated but also lets you feel like you are being directly spoken to. How powerful is it to dare someone to be great? There is courage and grace in looking out for everyone. We are all apart of a community and it’s a joy to push each other to be our best selves. 

The audio starts off by saying “I dare you to work on yourself for six months. I dare you to shut out the world. I dare you to shut out all the distractions. I dare you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dreams.” If that’s not inspiring enough, then when he says “I will no longer accept this for my life” should get you feeling electric about progressing forward. 

Therefore, I dare you to be great. 

Bitter Or Better (Motivational Speech)

Every action you take sparks an outcome. How you react to that circumstance impacts your future. So you have a choice, when faced with adversity do you run and hide or do you rise up and change the narrative? 

Choose to use your struggle as motivation. channel all that energy and anger into bettering yourself. 

So when the choice is yours, what will you choose? To be bitter. Or to be better.

DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE – Best Motivational Speeches Compilation 

Talk about a tear jerker. Life is beautiful and this motivational speech reminds you of that fact. Your life is your own. It is beautiful and should never be taken for granted. A bad day does not equal a bad life. This video serves as a reminder that “everyday is a new day and another opportunity that others may not have.” 

Live a life you are proud of. Make the most of it all. Listen to this speech and you will come to the conclusion that you are going to do great things because you have the right to live it fully. “No one deserves to steal your joy”, so go out and find it. 

How To Eliminate Self Doubt

The how to eliminate self doubt podcast focuses on how people spoke to you as a child and how that has shaped you today. Self criticism is a tough way to experience life, however self compassion helps you grow into a kinder you. 

You are human. You are perfectly imperfect and The Mindset Mentor does a great job teaching us that. Name your inner critic and grow away from it. With this podcast episode you will Find your identity 

Become Unstoppable – David Goggins

David Goggins is known for his extremities in the fitness and health industry. He is a living legend. David Goggins is a former Navy Seal who is an ultra endurance athlete, motivational speaker, author, and warrior. He has shared his life story on multiple platforms and is an inspiration to many. His words often create the message that perceived limits are simply fiction.

In this motivational speech, Goggins shares how important it is to push yourself to physical and mental greatness. To become unstoppable is the ultimate goal because no one can defeat you. This podcast will teach you that your mind is resilient beyond measures.


Good, old-fashioned motivation. This motivational speech delivers the message that when hard work becomes reality, it pays off. Nothing great will come as a result of being comfortable. You will surpass your peers if you work consistently. Remind yourself as you listen to this audio that striving to be greater than the average person can change your life. You must be “all in and dedicated. Don’t rush the process, trust the process.”

Choose to be a winner rather than a spectator.

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