Facebook, Twitter, Google: these are companies and products with which everyone is familiar. Silicon Valley is at the forefront of American innovation, revolutionizing our daily lives with amazing innovations. Many of these innovations are dreamed by CEOs who live extremely active lifestyles. That should come as no surprise, as exercise boosts brainpower and mitigates stress and anxiety.
That’s why we want to recognize the top 10 fittest tech CEOs. This is our second annual list ranking the innovators who promote healthy lifestyle. To create the list, we used a combination of interviews, internet, library, industry literature, and H.F.R. founder Samir Becic’s knowledge of over 20 years in athletics coupled with his recognition as “4x Number 1 Fitness Trainer in the World.” We have been emphasizing the connection between health and business since 2013, and we are pleased to rank the men and women of tech who make a difference in making the world a healthier place.
Samir Becic says of these Tech Execs “When we think of executives in tech, we don’t automatically jump to the conclusion that they are fit. But in the 21st century, everything is possible, including fit nerds! I particularly admire the combination between mental and physical strength- a powerful synergy that has led to these visionaries’ success.”
Here are the Top Fittest Tech Execs from HFR team and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life, Samir Becic:
Elon Musk, 45 – SpaceX and Tesla

There is not doubt that Elon Musk is revolutionizing the world- and universe. His companies are aiming to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint on the world and venture to where no man has gone before. He as often said he works 80 hour weeks, but he also clearly makes time to keep himself in tip-top shape as well. He said in a 2013 interview that he sleeps about 6 hours a night and rarely drinks alcohol- and that he didn’t enjoy the taste of it. He lifts weights twice a week, swims, and plays tennis. To save time on his commute, he’s packed his 20,000 plus square feet home with most health club amenities. On the weekends he plays and enjoys time with his 5 children.
Samir- “Elon Musk is the new Nikola Tesla”
Mark Zuckerberg, 32 – Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg’s hobbies include more just Facebooking. He is also fan of health and fitness activities! He enjoys jogging regularly, and as a New Year’s Revolution he encouraged everyone to get out and run a mile a day! Mark also incorporates regular exercise into his weekly schedule. Another interesting thing you probably didn’t know about Mark is that he only eats meat he personally slaughtered himself. It’s no wonder her enjoys a mostly vegetarian diet.
Payal Kadakia, 33 – Classpass
Payal has already started revolutionizing fitness for users of her app Classpass by opening up the world of boutique fitness for a singular monthly fee and friendly booking system. Founded in New York City in 2012, ClassPass has generated more than 20 million reservations via its app, now available on three continents. Her whole life she had been and Indian dancer, and got the idea for ClassPass when she was looking around for a class to take and then decided to start her own Contemporary Indian dance company. On her company she says “Someone might be good at spinning, but that doesn’t mean they know how to walk into a yoga class,” she said. ClassPass is “really about never losing that idea to keep exploring.” Her advice to people wanting to get in shape is to try new classes, new studios, and bring a friend to make it less intimidating. Even though she is very busy, she always schedules time in to work out and also time to unwind and relax. She even urges her employees to come to work in workout clothes and leave the office to get their own fitness in!
Dick Costolo, 53 – Twitter
Hangin out with @dickc at #NBForum2016 pic.twitter.com/d8emZQbZMQ
— Lotta Backlund (@lottabacklund) October 6, 2016
From 2010 to 2015, Dick Costolo was the CEO of twitter. Costolo’s busy schedule makes staying attuned important, which is why he utilizes exercise to remain concentrated and ready to work. Lover of all things cardio, he partakes in cycling classes and high intensity workouts like CrossFit! After giving up his throne in 2015, he and created a “software platform that reimagines the path to personal fitness,” according to Theverge.com. This personalized software works with various workouts to push your strength and endurance. This hard-core and motivational exercise program is well structured, giving you a regimen you can stick to. Costolo also has a startup app coming out this December. Chorus, the name of the application, will allow athletes and individuals in training to link up with one another and share their fitness regimens.
Mark Cuban, 58 – Tech investor
Mark Cuban, an American entrepreneur and investor, is just as active at the gym as he is in his business life. As owner of a very renown and popular NBA team, the Dallas Mavericks, Mark makes it a point to get some exercise in everyday. By incorporating “cardio for at least an hour, six or seven days a week” he claims, he makes sure to stay on his feet. The best way to keep up with a workout routine is to keep it fun. Mark enjoys spicing things up with fun and upbeat activities such as basketball, kickboxing, and Latin aerobic classes. Mark is also a fan of Alyssa’s Cookies, a delicious and low carb snack anyone can enjoy for all the joy (and none of the guilt) that comes with biting into a tasty cookie.
Nick Woodman, 41 – GoPro
Businessman, philanthropist, and CEO of GoPro, Nick Woodman, is an extreme sports advocate who enjoys a challenge. This California native has always loved partaking in adventure, especially surfing, which he has been practicing since the age of 8. He also hits the slopes for some skiing in his free time, and claims to drink more water the average person. If you’re looking for a way to workout in the water, surfing is a great activity that strengthens both your muscles and balance.
Ruzwana Bashir, 33 – PEEK
British entrepreneur and CEO of peek.com travel company, Ruzwana Bashir, has a radiant glow that nobody can deny. This British beauty can be credited with helping numerous people book their traveling flights. And even with her busy schedule, Ruzwana makes sure to stay fit and healthy. This PEEK CEO enjoys Pilates three times a week and makes sure to recharge every night with a good night’s rest. According to NBC News, one of her favorite apps is UP, which keeps you up to date on your health, fitness and sleep routines.
Tim Cook, 56 – Apple
The seventh chief executive officer author of Apple, Tim Cook, doesn’t use his busy schedule as an excuse to not exercise. In fact, Cook plans his busy schedule ahead by waking up at 3:45 a.m. every morning. By 5 a.m. he embarks his fitness regimen by heading off to the gym. In order to track his progress throughout the day, he even uses his handy dandy Apple Watch. This self proclaimed ‘fitness nut’ enjoys taking his exercise routine outside for some good ole hiking or biking. As CEO of one of the world’s largest companies, it’s crucial to remain healthy in shape. Kudos to Tim Cook!
Jack Dorsey, 40 – Twitter and Square founder
Internet> Social> Jack Dorsey on Trump’s use of Twitter: ‘fascin- https://t.co/NHAiQpFlb7 #internet pic.twitter.com/SfkQk9l1qB
— Internet HighGeekly (@InternetGeekly) December 7, 2016
Computer programmer and internet entrepreneur, Jack Dorsey, is a huge fan of squats and pushups. Just like the other CEOs on our list, Dorsey most definitely enjoys getting a decent sweat in. Jack also went Paleo a couple years ago; a diet that removes processed carbohydrates and dairy from your diet. In the am, you can find him getting a breath of fresh air with a steady jog, or by himself meditating. This slim businessman also enjoys staying hydrated with plenty of lemon water and minimal alcohol, with the exception of an occasional glass of red wine. And on Saturdays, he stays active by making room for outdoorsy activities like a fun hiking adventures.
Brit Morin, 31 – Brit + co
Founder and CEO of Brit + Co, Brit Morin runs her a successful media and commerce company in San Francisco. Aside from running her successful company, she also loves running! Morin enjoys jogging, and whenever she gets bored of that, she’s includes challenging upbeat workouts like hot yoga, spinning, and pilates. She’s also a nature lover, occasionally spending time outdoors. Morin also utilizes the help of the fitness-tracking app is Moves, which helps her track her daily fitness progress. Do you feel inspired yet?
Brian Chesky, 35 – Co-Founder of Airbnb
As a teenager, Chesky played hockey and was interested in sneaker art as created by Nike. In 1999, he attended Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) where he became the captain of the hockey team for which he trained aggressively. During this time and through his 20s, he also began competing both locally and nationally in bodybuilding. He continued to do so for a decade. To this day, while he no longer is competitive body builder, he still eats a healthy diet and works out regularly.
Evan Williams, 44- Twitter
Twitter co-founder Evan Williams on Trump, harassment and Jack Dorsey https://t.co/eDLQ8BUi66 pic.twitter.com/JLUTEVfu0Y
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) August 31, 2016
Evan incorporates a healthy routine into his day, he says“My focus is usually great first thing in the morning, so going to the gym first is a trade off of very productive time. Instead, I’ve started going mid-morning or late afternoon (especially on days I work late).It feels weird (at first) to leave the office in the middle of the day, but total time spent is nearly the same with higher energy and focus across the board.” Has said that he used to work out first thing in the morning because it is a great energy booster- but switched to working out in the middle of the day because it’s the time he is least productive and it helps him re-focus for the day. He also specifically picked an office space near a gym so it was convenient for both him and his employees to fit in workouts. In addition to being active, he also practices yoga, meditates, and makes it a habit not to snack after 9 p.m.
Jeff Bezos, 53 – Amazon.com Founder
This e-commerce magnate knows about balance in health and no matter how busy he gets, he insists on 8 hours of sleep a night- a cornerstone of health. Also, he regularly fits work outs in and strength trains.
Samir- “Jeff Bezos is the new Rockefeller”
Larry Ellison, 72 – CEO of Oracle
Larry Ellison, has an active hobby- he races sailboats, which require plenty of strength and stamina to maneuver. When he’s not on the open waters, he regularly hits the gym to keep up both his stamina and keep trim. Another favorite active pastime of his is to play tennis- so much so that he now own the Indian Wells professional tennis tournament in California.
Click here to read last year’s Fittest Tech Execs list.