Top 10 ways to get more green vegetables in your diet

  • Sautee dark leafy greens such as spinach, bok choy, kale, or collard greens with a little butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Viola, a wonderful side to any dish.
  • You can also substitute high-calorie chips, wraps, and the like with greens. Use sliced or spiralized zucchini instead of using pasta. Have roman lettuce wraps instead of tacos shells. Use sliced cucumbers instead of crackers.
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  • Smoothies are another great way to sneak healthy greens into your diet. A handful of spinach, a stalk of celery, or even a small head of broccoli are great additions to a fruit smoothie.
A green smoothie in a jar.
  • Green powders make it super easy to consume vegetables daily. Simply add a scoop of spirulina, wheatgrass or green superfood to your daily smoothie or on its own as a shot.
  • Kale chips make a fabulous snack and can satiate the need for something crunchy. Simply turn your oven on to 350 F, massage a tablespoon of olive oil onto kale leaves, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and bake for 15 minutes or less.
  • Omelets, or eggs in general, make a great partner for greens. Throw in some baby spinach, arugula, chopped broccoli, or other green into your eggs for an additional boost of nutrients and vitamins in your breakfast.
Using green vegetables in an omelet.
  • Green juices are a fantastic way to down your daily vegetables in a few gulps. While juiced celery, spinach, or cucumber doesn’t sound appetizing, you can remedy this by adding apples, oranges, or pineapples to your juice.
  • Add baby spinach, kale, arugula, and the like to sandwiches, pizza, and pasta. They’ll take your daily eats to a new level. You can also add greens to your meatballs or hamburger patties.
  • During colder months a vegetable soup can be a great way to get in your veggies. There is no right or wrong way to create a vegetable soup. You can simply buy a broth at any store and throw any as many or few vegetables as you like.
  • Finally, greens can make delicious desserts. Try your hand at kale or zucchini brownies. They’re like regular brownies, but with greens! Since vegetables are mainly water, they add an additional layer of creaminess to the traditional dessert.

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