Have you heard of some of these unique and natural sources of probiotics? They’re packed with numerous nutrients for the punch, and they sometimes have a slightly sweet or sour taste. Probiotics improve immune and digestive systems, regulate your metabolism, and even promote clearer skin & better breath! Keep reading below to find our delicious compilation of the top ten natural sources of probiotic foods:
- Yogurt – With tens of billions of active culture thriving within a single serving of live cultured yogurt or Greek yogurt, this sweet treat is great for your gut! Enjoy it plain, add some fruit or granola, or even just a drizzle of honey to maintain your body’s synergy. To get the most probiotic benefit from this food, you should make sure it comes from goat or sheep’s milk, that they are grass-fed, and lastly that it is organic.
Kefir - Kefir Or Dairy-Free Coconut Kefir – Traditional beverage of Russia and Turkey, kefir is prepared by combining goat, sheep or cow’s milk and fermented kefir grains and has been enjoyed this way for well over 3,000 years. With its somewhat tart flavor it is similar to yogurt, but since it is produced with yeast, contains many more strains of probiotics. Coconut kefir is a lactose-free alternative made by fermenting the juice harvested from young coconuts. Although delicious, it does not have as many probiotics as the traditional dairy kefir.
“Goat cheese, cherry tomato, and thyme on a wooden cutting board” - Raw Cheese – The milk of goats and sheep both have high amounts of probiotics if they are raw and unpasteurized. Goat cheese can be delightfully paired with tomatoes and doused in a basil vinaigrette.
Kombucha - Kombucha – Originating from Japan, kombucha is a sweet, fizzy drink made from fermenting black tea. Containing billions of powerful probiotic strands, each bottle is extremely effective in helping and preventing diarrhea. Kombucha also detoxifies the liver, increases energy, and supports the digestive system.
Kimchi - Kimchi – Kimchi is an appetizingly spicy yet tart way to add variety of flavor to your palate. Fermenting cabbage, radish, and cucumber is how this traditional Korean side dish is prepared. Pickling these veggies is what keeps this great source of probiotics and fiber at a low caloric intake. A study observing the immune response regulation of mice has shown evidence of significantly stimulating the immune system and contributing to an overall healthier state.
Pickled gherkins in jar, fermented food - Sour Pickles – Pickles are not only delectable but also deliver a ton of electrolytes to your body, making them a great snack for those hot summer days or even relieve muscle cramps that are induced by exercise. If they are brined within seawater and sea salt instead of vinegar, they pack a much high concentration of probiotics! This is important because vinegar does not allow these helpful cultures to grow.
Sauerkraut - Sauerkraut – Made from fermenting cabbage along with other veggies, sauerkraut is not too diverse in the probiotics it offers, but high in organic acids. These acids are what yield its sour and somewhat pungent taste, and they also incite more growth of helpful bacteria in your gut.
Miso Soup - Miso – A derivative of tofu, miso is prepared by fermenting soybeans with brown rice to yield a paste. With over 160 strains of probiotics, miso harbors a strong, briny taste, and has a moderately high sodium content, so it should be used sparingly.
Sourdough Rye Bread - Sourdough Bread – Who knew that bread could contain so many live probiotic cultures? It does not have much sugar like other carbohydrates, and will keep you full much longer. This tart toast is curated with a compound called sourdough starter, which is similar to yeast.
Tempeh (traditional Indonesian food) - Tempeh – Tempeh, similar to tofu and miso, is an Indonesian dish made by deep-frying fermented soybeans and can also be made with brown rice or other grains. It is formed into a firm cake, usually presented in white blocks, and especially enjoyed by vegans and vegetarians due to its high protein content, which can easily substitute meat.