How many times have you passed up the baby food aisle in the grocery store and thought, “yum, that looks appetizing!”- probably never. Introducing new foods into your baby’s life shouldn’t be an unremarkable experience. BLW, also known as Baby-Led Weaning, allows babies to take charge and explore new foods on their own. Allowing your baby to experience various flavors and textures can be quite beneficial, but you may have a lot of questions. How old can BLW begin? How should food be cut? Studies show that BLW can help with baby’s development, fine motor skills, social skills, promote healthy eating habits, and reduce the risk of childhood obesity. Remember to always consult your child’s pediatrician if you have any concerns about food allergies and whether to choose BLW over purees. Once you’re ready, here are 10 healthy foods to jumpstart your baby’s BLW journey:
According to studies, there is just as much folate, vitamin E, and lutein in a one ounce serving of avocado compared to the recommended serving size of apples and pears. These are all essential vitamins in growing babies. There are several ways to introduce avocados into your baby’s diet. A slice of avocado with a little of the peel still on allows those tiny fingers to easily grasp the avocado and enjoy the healthy fats and minerals they have to offer. Smashed avocado on whole wheat toast, cut in finger length strips is another great way to serve it.

Eggs are full of amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids that are essential in a healthy diet. When conducting a study on the effects of eggs on children as young as 6 months, it was concluded that consuming eggs allows for higher intake of protein, choline, and B12. Whether you want to scramble or hard boil the eggs, your baby will benefit from this protein rich food.
Salmon is a fish packed with DHA, which supports brain health and development- perfect for a baby’s growing brain! Research has suggested that introducing salmon at a young age can help decrease cardiovascular disease, prevent asthma, and even eczema. Salmon can also help in building a stronger immune system.

Sweet potato
By cutting the sweet potato into finger length pieces and cooking them until they are soft, it allows your baby to enjoy a delicious vegetable filled with essential vitamins and potassium. The great thing about sweet potato is the wide array of ways it can be cooked: steamed, roasted, or mashed.

Greek yogurt, in particular, is fantastic for BLW- it’s protein packed and supports a healthy gut due to the probiotics it contains. Remember when choosing a yogurt to avoid ones that are overly loaded with processed sugars!
Try giving your baby a whole ripe juicy strawberry and watch them explore this vibrant red fruit packed with antioxidants and vitamin C. Strawberry studies have revealed that strawberries have anticancer properties, can reduce obesity related diseases, and lower heart disease risk.

Filled with fiber and natural sugars, mango is a fruit that will have your baby’s taste buds jumping up and down. Studies have shown that mangoes contain anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties. This means mangoes are a great fruit to help protect your growing baby.

Steamed carrots
Carrots are a sweet tasting vegetable that have many health benefits. For instance, the carotenoids found in carrots have been shown to serve as anti-carcinogens and immune enhancers. When preparing steamed carrots for your baby’s BLW journey, make sure they are soft enough for your baby’s gums.
Black beans
If your baby is lacking iron, try introducing black beans into their diet. Research has shown that incorporating black beans into a child’s diet can decrease the chance of obesity-related diseases. A great option to serve black beans would be smashing them with a fork, and spreading them onto a teething cracker. This will allow babies to use their fine motor skills to explore this iron-rich food.
This superfood is protein packed and filled with all the amino acids your body needs. Not only is quinoa an amazing food for you baby, but introducing it to everyone around the dinner table could be beneficial for the whole family!

Learn more about other approved Baby-Led Weaning foods you can start introducing into your baby’s life.