Top 10 Fittest Male Singers 2024


Music captivates us not only through our ears but also through our eyes. The devotion of fans to their favorite artists extends beyond their musical abilities, encompassing the aspirational allure of their public image and lifestyle. For many musicians, maintaining a fit physique is a vital aspect of cultivating their personal brand. However, the impact of celebrities’ health habits goes beyond their own image; it resonates as a meaningful influence on impressionable young minds.

Fitness expert Samir Becic highlights the importance of setting a positive example of nutrition and fitness, especially in the face of America’s persistently rising rates of childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes. “Having good role models is part of the solution to ending the epidemic,” he emphasizes. The men on this list deserve recognition for showcasing their dedication to fitness and nutrition. By continuing to discuss these topics in interviews and promoting a healthy lifestyle on social media, they contribute to the well-being of American youth. Congratulations to all the gentlemen on this list—keep being outstanding role models for your fans!

In collaboration with Samir Becic, HFR has meticulously ranked the fittest male singers by analyzing a wide range of factors. Through interviews, research, and Samir’s two decades of experience in the field, this list celebrates artists who exemplify fitness as a way of life. Their commitment to personal growth serves as an inspiration that extends far beyond their music, leaving a lasting impact on those who look up to them.

For the first time since we started our rankings a decade ago, we have incorporated a vital component: mental health. Recognizing its significant influence on overall well-being, we have taken into account the mental health aspect while crafting this prestigious list. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that 1 in 5 Americans suffers from mental health illness, making it imperative to address this crucial aspect of health.

Here’s our list of the fittest male singers of 2024 in alphabetical order:

Justin Bieber 

Photo credit: @justinbieber Instagram
  • Bieber exercises five days out of the week for nearly 45 minutes each time.
  • He typically does a three-day split: back and tris one day, chest and bis another, and finally legs and shoulders. They target their abs every other workout.
  • If Bieber works his back and triceps on a specific day, a combination for their workout may be wide-grip pull ups with a lying triceps extension, wide-grip rows with a cable pushdown, and a dumbbell row with a pushup. They usually do 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps for each exercise which amounts to around 9 to 12 sets per muscle group per workout, and he says they change exercises about every two to three weeks.
  • Justin is always up for a hefty, all-around morning meal. If he has a gig that night, he needs to get going on the go-juice. His breakfast injects eggs, an avocado, bacon and a slice of gluten-free bread. His avocado is in slices, not mashed or whipped into a guac.
  • Although he could splurge on a gluten-free spaghetti sauce, Justin’s real-life lunch is avocado toast.
  • One of Justin’s favorite meals is sushi. Justin usually orders a mixture of sushi rolls and sashimi. He once ordered sushi rolls, avocado rolls, and different types of sashimi: salmon, white fish, and tuna. Justin even likes cooked fish. He orders salmon when eating at a restaurant.
Mental Health:
  • One thing that appears to be of benefit to Justin Bieber’s mental health is a stress-management technique by the name of “Havening”. It’s used by Justin Bieber’s health coach. She says, “Havening is a psycho sensory technique that actually elevates the feel-good chemicals in your brain on demand. How Justin does this is he rubs his head and his face, but everyone has their own way of self-soothing.”

Jason Derulo

Photo credit: @jasonderulo Instagram
  • To maintain his packed routine of rehearsals and shows, the vocalist informed Insider that it’s vital to stay in shape, so he does a combination of cardio and weight-training exercises, including exercises that target his core.
  • According to Derulo, his go-to moves for carved abs and an iron core are L-sit pull-ups, weighted sit-ups, and seated rows.
  • Even on tour, Derulo aims to get to the gym 5 to 6 days a week. He usually goes for an hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening.
  • As far as what he consumes, Derulo said he consumes anywhere from 2,100 to 3,300 calories daily and keeps to a “structured eating plan,” which contains nutritious complete meals such as eggs, meat, and vegetables.
  • Derulo also intermittent fasts, skipping breakfast, and having two meals a day.
  • Derulo tries to eat a good amount of protein and regularly drinks Treo which tastes great, keeps him hydrated, and limits his sugar intake. 
  • Derulo is a co-owner and ambassador for Treo flavored birch waters.
  • Jason stocks his fridge in a way so he can’t really mess up his regimen.
  • First Derulo will have bone broth with veggies and legumes, and then later he will have grilled salmon or chicken and veggies.
  • Starting in 2020, Derulo made famous his “Milli Meals:” excessive dishes and desserts he would cook up and reveal on TikTok anytime his fan count rose a million.
  • Jason believes everything can be enjoyed in moderation. His diet sticks to healthy whole foods, he doesn’t like to schedule cheat meals or cheat days. If something calls to him, he’ll just eat it.
Mental Health Practices: 
  • In 2012, Derulo broke his neck in an accident during tour rehearsals. He said that could have easily ended his whole career but instead he utilized that recovery time to just work his butt off and ended up making his most successful album.
  • Derulo was born into his hive and works with his brother and about four or five of his cousins. One is his tour manager, one is his road manager, one is his stylist, one is his assistant, and one is his co-writer. He explains that it is really rewarding getting to work with his family.

Sam Hunt

Photo credit: @samhuntmusic Instagram
  • He grew up in an active environment and continues to do so. 
  • Prior to his singing days, Hunt played football in high school and eventually as quarterback at the University of Alabama when he entered college. 
  • He works out at home and prefers getting active with his friends. 
  • He shares, “I’d play football if it was easier to run up a game of football, but it’s a whole lot easier to find a basketball game at a YMCA.”
  • Sam Hunt competes in fitness races and also teaches fitness classes to help others reach their goals through personal training. 
  • He is on a diet called the carnivore diet. 
  • He often checks his cholesterol levels.
  • Sam actually uses some special muscle supplements which give his body a boost.
  • Sam Hunt’s favorite food is steak so he eats it pretty often to get his protein intake. 
Mental Health Practices: 
  • Being a musician was not part of his initial career plans, but it found its way to his life. He states that “picking up a guitar brought a lot of balance into my life.” 
  • Sam Hunts explains that he loves to spend time with his family whenever he can because they bring so much peace and happiness to his life. 
  • After Hunt was found guilty of his DUI charge back in 2021, he has cut back majorly from drinking .

Nick Jonas

Photo credit: @nickjonas Instagram
  • His trainer, Gregg Miele, reveals that Jonas does intense circuit-training – from varied pull ups to overhead presses that all tackle different muscle groups- followed by cardio.
  • He consults his doctor throughout his health journey. 
  • He has been trying Hot Yoga with his wife and cardio as additional training methods.
  • His workout routine consists of Monday and Fridays are push days. Tuesdays and Saturdays are pull dyas, Wednesday and Sundays are leg days while Thursdays are dedicated to cardio or just a simple off day. 
  • In terms of diet, he consumes lean protein and limits carb intake.
  • Recently, Jonas increased the number of calories he consumes, concentrating on protein, which entails eating an omelet, vegetables, fruit, cashew cheese, and turkey for breakfast; later he opts for more lean protein and vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 1 egg and 3 egg whites with sauteed spinach and mushrooms. In addition, ½ cups of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. 
  • Lunch: A turkey sandwich which includes 4 ounces sliced turkey, 2 slices of bread, spinach, tomato, mustard, and 2 slices of cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 ounce of almonds and 1 cup of baby carrots.
  • Dinner: 4 punches of buffalo burger, 1 cup of sweet potatoes, and a side salad with 2 tablespoons of vinaigrette.
Mental Health Practices: 
  • Despite initial concerns after being diagnosed with type I diabetes at age 13, Jonas does not let his condition dictate his life. 
  • Over the past decade, he has redefined his career and health by being an active role model in the community. 
  • Jonas recently launched Beyond Type I, a non-profit organization, that informs new diabetics about the disease and guides them through appropriate lifestyle accommodations. 
  • When it comes to personal initiatives, he is very aware of his condition and stays in shape to excel at what he enjoys doing -singing and performing.

Adam Levine

Photo credit: @adamlevine Instagram
  • Levine makes time to workout about 6 days a week no matter what. 
  • He approaches exercise in a dynamic way by keeping things fresh and engaging. 
  • One of his trainers, Harley Pasternak, reveals that Levine gets bored easily so they often change up the circuit training design and make sure it’s doable even when he’s on tour or does not have access to the gym.
  • Additionally, he does yoga to complement his strength training.
  • Mondays, Levine focuses on Yoga and strength training. 
  • On Tuesdays, Adam does Pilates.
  • On Wednesdays Adam does a cardio sculpt.
  • Strength training is designated to Thursdays.
  • Adam then repeats Yoga and strength training on Fridays.  
  • Saturday and Sundays are his stretch and rest days. 
  • Adam is a self-proclaimed half vegan.
  • He focuses on eating clean and healthy. 
  • He avoids dairy and focuses on staying hydrated throughout the day.
  • For breakfast, Adam typically eats egg whites with spinach and greek yogurt along with a cup of coffee.
  • For lunch, Levine eats salmon with vegetables and sweet potatoes.
  • For dinner, he typically enjoys a whole wheat pasta with vegetables, 
  • Adam also takes supplements such as superfood shakes and melatonin to help him sleep. 
Mental Health Practices:
  • Levine thinks he’s checked into inpatient and outpatient psychiatric facilities “probably 15 times,” and he admitted that his troubles had taken their toll on his family.
  • With a group of caring people around him that includes his college professors, mental health professionals, and his family, particularly Hannah, whom he calls his biggest supporter, Levine has a solid support system.
  • Adam explains he feels very lucky to have found yoga. The experience with it is so unique and so personal to each and every individual that he has been sort of hesitant to share what it is to him. This time around, though, he thought he’d put it out there to whoever’s listening.

Bruno Mars

Photo credit: @brunomars Instagram
  • Bruno’s workout mostly consists of dance moves and a dancing routine for an hour or 2 maybe. He loves to dance so much and he really even has shown his love to dance workouts like Zumba for fitness on his many Twitter’s posts.
  • Bruno Mars has a love for abs workout, core workout, too, and often posted in his social media account that he likes to do it too. So he too trains for abs in his daily workout routine.
  • Mars likes to lift and train his body four to five days a week. 
  • Bruno Mars’ diet plan includes the consumption of protein, carbs, low-fats, good fats, and other essential nutrients.
  • To stay healthy and hydrated, he drinks a lot of water when the sun is out.
  • For breakfast Bruno eats either oatmeal with toast or an egg omelet along with bacon and juice.
  • Lunch consists of a chicken breast, rice and vegetables.
  • Dinner is typically beef steak, salad, vegetables and rice.’
  • Snacks consist of almonds, juice and fruits. 
Mental Health Practices:
  • Maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive use of substances like alcohol or drugs has contributed to Mars mental well-being.
  • Practices like mindfulness and meditation helped Bruno manage stress and promote overall well-being.
  • Many people, including Bruno Mars, find benefit in talking to mental health professionals to address and manage their emotions, stress, and other challenges.
  • Engaging in creative activities, whether it’s through music is very therapeutic for Bruno Mars

Shawn Mendes

Photo credit: @shawnmendes Instagram
  • Mendes focuses most of his workouts on cardio.
  • He’s been incorporating cardio into his routine with interval training for either the treadmill, biking, or water rowing. He keeps his pace from 50% to 75%, and he never goes below 50% even when he is tired.
  • Mendes goes to the gym in the morning five times a week.
  • On Mondays, he focuses on legs and cardio.
  • Tuesdays are dedicated to chest and cardio.
  • Wednesdays are for back and cardio.
  • Thursdays he does shoulders and cardio.
  • Fridays are focused on arms and cardio. 
  • Since Mendes is very active, he gets away with eating carbs such as cereal and chocolate chip cookies.
  • Mendes enjoys balanced meals such as eggs, chicken, fish, and vegetables.
  • His snacks often include fruits and nuts. 
  • Mendes typically drinks at least a gallon of water every day. 
  • For breakfast he enjoys an omelet, oatmeal and juice.
  • For lunch he eats steak, potatoes, and an avocado.
  • For dinner, he eats almonds, fish and quinoa.
  • Mendes also takes supplements such as multivitamin, liquid minerals, and protein shakes. 
Mental Health Practices: 
  • When things become “overwhelming” for Mendes, he shared that he takes the time to recuperate and go into nature, two things that alter his life when he’s having horrible anxiety.
  • Mendes retracted himself from his Wonder tour last summer, only one week in, to take care of his mental health.
  • Mendes has been in ample therapy, utilized others as his support and set personal limits.

Harry Styles

Photo credit: @harrystyles Instagram
  • Cardiovascular exercises and strength training make up a large part of Harry’s workouts to give him energy and stamina for his many concerts.
  • Harry executes two such workouts per session such as a lower-body and upper-body workout breakdown. The routine usually remains two workouts, but it’s changed periodically so Harry doesn’t know what’s coming and his body doesn’t become complacent and challenged.
  • To work out his upper-body, he does sets of three for 10 to 15 repetitions, resting 30 seconds between sets. He does different exercises each workout. For example, he does two chest exercises, a back exercise, and two bicep exercises one day and works out with free weights and machines on a different day.
  • His lower-body fitness routine consists of three sets, 10-15 reps, and 30 second rests, chosen from exercises such as:  lat pulldown, one-Arm dumbbell rows, cable rows, and bent over row.
  • Harry exercises five to six days a week most of the time.
  • While he loves hitting the gym for indoor workouts, he’s explained that it’s important for him to also get outdoors and take advantage of nature, to support his healthy lifestyle. 
  • Harry has always been an active promoter of meditation and yoga as a form of relieving stress and adding calm to your life.
  • Styles has taken on a vegetarian diet and once in a while, goes as far as six-day liquid cleanses.
  • It seems his diet has been a focus for years, and he likes to experiment and see what works.
  • He reported drinking black coffee with coconut oil and butter in it. The drink was high in fat, so he wasn’t hungry.
Mental Health Practices: 
  • Harry Styles prioritizes mental health and well-being through daily meditation, therapy, and mindfulness techniques.
  • Self-care is critical for him both physically and mentally, particularly while on tour, and he takes this very seriously. This includes getting sufficient sleep and also getting IV injections of nutrients
  • For overall well-being, he includes into his daily routine exercise, relaxation, and a primarily plant-based diet.

Justin Timberlake

Photo credit: @justintimberlake Instagram
  • In a 2011 Playboy interview, Timberlake shares that if given the choice, he’d choose to be more toned than muscular. A review of his physique over the years demonstrates that he is a testament of this preference. 
  • He stays active by hitting the gym and dancing, which is his long-time passion since his early singing days. 
  • Going outdoors to snowboard and/or play basketball are only some of the few things he enjoys doing. 
  • As the husband of Jessica Biel, who we ranked as one of America’s fittest actresses, they are usually photographed spending time exercising together. They utilize the outdoors by going on jogs and bringing their dogs along on hikes. 
  • While he doesn’t workout every single day, Timberlake aims to complete 5 exercise days throughout the week.
  • He diets accordingly, but never to the extreme. 
  • One of the things he’s omitted from his diet is high-carb beer, which provides unnecessary calories. 
  • On being successful in terms of health and career, Timberlake says, “I’ve done well, but the reason is pretty simple: I’ve worked my a** off. Anything I’ve done well has taken many, many hours of preparation.” His dedication and perseverance have certainly paid off.
Mental Health Practices:
  • Fortunately, despite facing challenges with his OCD and ADD, Timberlake claims that he nonetheless loves performing for his fans. So while he must deal with it, he does not let it prevent him from living.
  • Timberlake has used his platform to spread awareness of OCD and ADD disorders to spread light on the situation and showcasing the strength of the human spirit.
  • Music and laughter have always helped Justin cope with his disabilities.
  • His family has always supported and encouraged Justin throughout his life which has helped him throughout his mental health journey.


Photo credit: @usher Instagram
  • He stretches for 10 minutes before and after every workout 
  • Usher enjoys endurance cardio such as biking and swimming. 
  • He uses a combination of Pilates, yoga, and massage to prepare his body for his dance moves.
  • For speed and agility, he practices boxing and break dancing; for strength and endurance, he lifts weights and goes running.
  • He developed a pattern in which he alternated between running, swimming, and cycling, the treasured “three per day,” and included a fourth portion, sparring with boxers such as Leonard at the boxing club.
  • Usher maintains his diet by having 5-6 portioned meals per day and indulging in moderation. 
  • The five to six small meals Usher used to eat a day often included fish, blueberries and pistachios.
  • Usher banished carbs by adopting Dr. Gundry’s “Matrix” diet, which demands a very careful and specific eating routine.
  • Usher hired Chef Shay to prepare and cook his meals throughout the day.
Mental Health Practices: 
  • ​​Usher elevates his devotion to mental health by bookending his weeks with his therapist, and maintaining a daily meditation practice.
  • Consistently repeating affirmations in front of a mirror boots Usher’s confidence before he takes the stage. Repeating affirmations to yourself in front of a mirror is a simple way to ward off imposter syndrome, says Dora Kamau, a mindfulness and meditation teacher at Headspace. The practice involves “looking at the evidence, looking at the impact” you’ve made, and telling yourself that you’re in the position you’re in for a reason.
  • Usher makes exercising a priority and eats a healthy diet and puts in his time with his partner of four years and his four children as motivation.

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