Top 10 Benefits of Morning Walks


There are many ways you can live a healthier lifestyle and maintain great and physical and mental wellness. Among the countless exercises you can include in your routine to stay healthy, walking is one of the easiest and most effective, we even highlighted them in our article Top 10 Health Benefits of Walking. In order to get the most out of your daily walk, when you walk can make a difference- and we suggest a morning stroll!

Walking during the day has some perks and benefits that you may not have thought of. Here are 10 of them:

A Method of Meditation

If you would like some alone time, strap on your favorite pair of headphones and tune into your choice of music and get walking. Walking with your favorite audio blasting is a great form of some “you-time” and can very well be an effective method of meditation. Find a nice park near your home with a bunch of trails and scenic views.

A Way to Socialize

In contrast to alone time, walking in the morning is also an ideal way to socialize. When you walk in the morning, you’ll bump into other people that share this same interest. You can socialize with neighbors and catch up on what’s new. This is really good for bonding especially if you’re new to the neighborhood.

Be sure to wear a mask and practice proper Covid guidelines when walking.

Boost of Natural Energy

The energy that a simple walk can give you is something that can be overlooked. A brief stairwalk was proven to be more energizing than a cup of coffee. Additionally, people who briefly walked for 20 minutes outdoors showed higher levels of vitality than those who walked indoors.

Renewed Mentality

Lacing up your shoes first thing in the morning is a great way to employ the “do it now” mentality. This way you’re able to eliminate procrastination in not only your exercise routine but also in your other various activities and tasks throughout the day. An increase in will power is a great way to also improve your health; especially when it comes to breaking bad habits and developing good new ones.

Better Sleep at Night

People that walked during the morning compared to those that didn’t, went to sleep faster and had a better overall quality of sleep. This is because you expose your body to the sun first thing in the morning, which sets your natural circadian rhythm; improving your sleep cycle.

Although the time between when you walk and sleep may be great, a brisk morning walk is still proven to give you a good night’s sleep.

Less Exposure to the Heat

In many cities, temperatures soar to extremes in the summer and even in the other seasons throughout the year. Getting up early in the morning before sunrise can help in avoiding the heat. Just remember to carry a water bottle and stay hydrated.

Improves Heart Health

A brisk walk can reduce the change of numerous heart illnesses and diseases. Briskly walking in the morning for 3 to 4 miles can decrease your chances of suffering from heart disease by 40%. If you’re a person that struggles with high blood pressure, the positive pressure on your heart in the morning can also lower your blood pressure by 10%. 

Burns Calories and Reduces Weight

Some research shows that walking before eating breakfast can lead to burning fat. Your body starts consuming the calories and carbs that are already in your body and starts up your metabolism. A 30 to 40 minute walk in the morning helps elevate heart rate and burn calories, which helps in weight loss.

Starting a routine with daily exercise and a healthy diet is a great way to lose weight!

Less Pollution in the Air

Walking in the morning as opposed to evening has the great benefit of not being exposed to massive amounts of CO2 emissions. Not only do you avoid that unhealthy air , but you also benefit from the lack of noise pollution from cars.

Get It Out of the Way Early

When you get home from school or work, it is oftentimes difficult to make time for anything. Walking the first thing in the morning will prevent you from breaking the routine due to fatigue or stress from the day.

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