Tips on Wearing Face Masks in Warm Weather


Wearing a face mask is absolutely crucial in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and the CDC is calling all individuals to do so. We can all agree that though absolutely necessary, wearing a face mask  is definitely not the most comfortable experience in the world. With rising temperatures and this hot summer sun, the extra layer of cloth on our faces – and even worse, a damp face mask –  can be extremely uncomfortable. 

You might be wondering – can I be comfortable, but also safe amidst this heat and humidity? And the answer is, absolutely! Even though wearing a face mask will never be the same as not wearing one – for obvious reasons – there are many small things that you can do to make wearing face masks as comfortable as possible during these hot summer days whilst also keeping yourself and your community safe! 

Choose a breathable material:

Not all face masks are built the same – mask material can go a long way when it comes to air ventilation and breathability. Being out in the sun – with your mask damp from sweat – can make it rather difficult to breathe. To combat this, avoid overly thick and dense materials and if possible, try to shoot for lightweight materials such as woven cotton.

It is always a good idea to check to see how your skin reacts to different fabrics – certain materials can cause skin irritations, or in some cases, allergic reactions. If you’re uncertain, cotton is always a safe bet! In addition, it might be helpful to note that lighter colored materials absorb less heat than darker colors, something that you might consider when choosing a color and design.

Breathability is important, but before that, make sure that the material you are using provides adequate protection! Studies have shown that multi-layer masks will provide more protection against air particles than do masks with single layers! Along with that, your face masks should serve as a barrier against outside particles – hold up your mask against the sunlight, and if you can see through it, then you probably might want to look into a different, more protective fabric. 


One very simple tip to make the mask wearing experience as comfortable as possible, especially during these hot summer days, is to make sure you have the right fit! Even without the warm weather, having a face mask that does not fit well will make the whole experience rather uncomfortable.

Every face is different – size and shape –  so there is no secret formula for a perfect fitting face mask. However, the CDC notes that at the minimum, your face mask should cover your mouth and nose, and should fit snugly on your face – not too tight, but not too loose as to let particles in. In addition, you want to make sure that the straps of the mask are tight enough to hold the face mask in place, but are not pinching the back of your ears. 

There are many plenty of face masks out there for purchase that vary in size, shape, and strap length, so you can always find one that meets the needs of your own face! Or, if you have the time, there are many resources available to make your own DIY mask – this way, you can personally customize it to your own needs! 

Make your own DIY face mask at home!

Have more than one on hand:

Being out in the hot summer heat, even for just a little while, can leave you and your face masks feeling sweaty and gross. A wet face mask sticking to half your face is rather unpleasant and is extremely difficult to breathe in. To combat this, why not just bring another face mask with you! Even if you do not end up soaking up your current face mask, it would be nice to switch it out throughout the day to allow your skin some room to breathe (we’ve all heard of the infamous maskne). 

Remember it is super important when you are changing your mask to follow proper mask removal techniques. The CDC  recommends the following procedure: wash your hands, untie the strings behind the ears making sure to only handle by the ear loops or ties, and then fold the corners together. Whilst doing these steps, try your absolute best to NOT touch the front of the mask, as well as your eyes, nose, or eyes immediately after removal to avoid cross contamination. 

Mask hygiene is just as important as mask etiquette! Remember to wash your cloth mask(s) after each use either in warm water by hand or in the washing machine.  

Limit length of time of wear:

If possible, avoid public areas or areas with a lot of people – and as always, make sure to ALWAYS practice social distancing. If you do not need to be out and about, then try not to be out and about.

Also, remember that even if you are wearing a face mask in public, you should always be practicing social distancing! 

Avoid heat, if possible:

Wearing a face mask out in the heat can create a particularly warm environment around your face that makes you more susceptible to overheating and dehydration from excess sweating. To stay as cool as possible, try to limit the amount of time in direct sun as much as possible. If you need to be out and about, look for shady areas! And of course, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! 

Be aware of how you are feeling:
Lastly, always, always, always listen to your body! If you are feeling lightheaded, nauseous, or fatigued, don’t forget to give yourself a little break!

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