Samir Reaches Out to 36 U.S. Congressmembers

Samir signs books for "Top 20 Fittest Politicians in America 2020"

Let’s face it, the holiday season (and all it’s excesses) are upon us and we are all enjoying time with loved ones, good food, and good drinks. However, New Years is looming right around the corner, and what better time to start thinking of the resolutions we want to incorporate into our lives in order to start 2022 strong? While around 80% of people abandon their resolutions by February, Samir and his HFR team have been brainstorming on ways we can inspire others to stick with their health resolutions…

Samir Becic (the same guy who has gone to some extreme lengths to motivate others to be healthy and authored the HarperCollins book ReSYNC Your Life) has reached out to all 36 U.S. Congressmembers from Texas to request meetings with them. He’s done so in an effort to promote a healthy lifestyle in Texas, which frequently makes America’s “fattest states” list.

Samir is asking to meet with each of the Texas United States Representatives as a way to motivate their constituents. He hopes that together, they can send a strong message at the launch of the new year, one that proves that small, actionable changes can lead to better health. A healthy lifestyle can help build a robust immune system and prepare the body to be stronger in the event that COVID-19 (or any other virus) is contracted. Studies have shown that while a healthy immune system won’t stop you from contracting a virus, it will be better equipped to fight the infections with a sustained immune response.

Samir has long been a proponent of the overlap between health and politics. He truly believes political leaders can be one of the building blocks toward attaining a healthy lifestyle in mainstream America.  Their influence in making the laws and their presence is imperative toward exciting the masses into changing their nutrition for the better and being more physically active. At the end of the day, politicians have direct access and say into the policies that affect American’s daily lives, they can choose to use their platforms to improve America’s culture with regards to wellness.

In April of this year, Samir sent dedicated copies of his book “ReSync Your Life”, to each of the 36 U.S. Congressmembers from Texas.  In each book, he inscribed a personal note to our political leaders thanking them for their dedication to Texans/Americans during the unprecedented year we’ve all had with the COVID-19 pandemic.

As 2021 comes to a close and we embark on a New Year, the HFR team hopes that our readers (and Americans) are happy, healthy, vaccinated (possibly even boosted), exercising, and eating right… because, at the end of the day, health is wealth!

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