Samir Becic Working on Second Book

Samir Becic with City of Houston employees holding up his book after a seminar

Samir Becic is a legend in the fitness industry, and he’s just getting started.

After spending years as the world-renowned #1 Fitness Trainer in America, Samir has gone on to become the Official Fitness Czar to the City of Houston, founder of Health Fitness Revolution Magazine, and author of the Harper Collins (one of the largest publishing houses in the world) published book “ReSYNC Your Life.” Now Samir is working on his second, highly anticipated book, “ReSYNC² (squared)”. 

As a well-reputed fitness expert and author, Samir Becic shared his knowledge with tens of thousands of people around the world in his first book. It featured something valuable to everyone: the benefits of exercise, how a person can get the most out of their workouts at home, and what beginners need to know before starting their fitness journey. It followed Samir’s philosophy that with a healthy lifestyle – meaning physical fitness, healthy nutrition, and mental and social balance – we can manage, control, or completely avoid 60-70% of known illnesses.

Samir Becic dedicating books

“ReSYNC Your Life” is an essential guide for anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life. It covers everything from nutrition to exercise programs to mental health improvements. The book also offers advice about how to overcome obstacles you may be facing in your life, as well as strategies for improving relationships with family members or friends. It was so well received that it made the Amazon bestsellers list!

Following the success of  “ReSYNC Your Life” published in 2018, Becic is now working on a follow-up book that promises to be just as groundbreaking as his first. For the past two years, he has been researching and developing the concepts that he will highlight in his second book. In it, he will teach readers how to get more out of life by re-optimizing their health, fitness, and lifestyle. He’s taking the same approach for his next book as he did with his first one. It will be an easy-to-understand guide that gives people practical solutions on how to improve their lives and achieve their goals- no matter how big.

The title for the new book will be ReSync² (squared) — which in mathematics means exponentially more… more raw, more honest, more extreme, MORE SAMIR! It is also a reference to the fact that you have never experienced anything like this before.

It is not a specifically linear book, but it will be the most direct and practical guide to living an extraordinary life that you have ever read. It has everything you need to know about self-mastery, performance, and mastery of your environment.

Samir Becic signing books

Becic’s story is one of inspiration and perseverance. He has continued to inspire people to take control of their health by creating several awe-inspiring fitness challenges, including living for 6 weeks at an obese weight, walking 2.87 miles with a 200lbs weighted vest, running 7 marathons in 8 weeks while wearing compressed weights equivalent to 73.5 pounds weighted vest, completing a 464-mile hike while wearing a 55lbs+ backpack, and now training to walk a full 3 miles while wearing a 200 lbs weighted vest! Samir has also made it clear that a specific plan for success is crucial for those dedicated to achieving their fitness goals. Samir Becic’s story shows you how to knock down barriers and conquer your fears. His story is also a beacon of hope illuminating a path to success for anyone who’s ever been held back by limiting beliefs.

As an expert on fitness, Becic has made it his mission to help people around the world live healthier lives. He travels around the world speaking at conferences and seminars, where he shares his knowledge with others. Becic said: “I am thrilled to announce that I have begun work on my second book which will help people optimize their lives through health, fitness, and lifestyle changes. This time around I am focusing on different areas than before and have been researching these concepts for over 2 years now. I want the book to appeal to people who are looking to reach their next level, to push themselves. I am excited about what lies ahead!”

Samir is currently shopping his book proposal to various publishers.

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