Samir Becic Runs 3 Miles Backwards for Charity!


Health Fitness Revolution founder Samir Becic runs 3 miles entirely BACKWARDS in the NAMI Charity Run!

Here is the video of him finishing his 3 mile backwards run:
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NAMI Greater Houston is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization established in 1988 by a group of dedicated and caring family members of those living with difficult, yet treatable, mental illnesses. In founding NAMI Greater Houston, these family members sought to establish a grassroots organization that would address the increasing need for families and persons affected by mental illness to have a powerful voice in the mental health community.

As such, the mission of NAMI Greater Houston is to improve the lives of all persons affected by mental illness through support, education and advocacy based programs and services.

Specifically, NAMI Greater Houston provides FREE education programs, peer facilitated support groups and grassroots advocacy initiatives that enable families and consumers to better understand the complexities and challenges of living with a mental illness and in doing so, become more effective self advocates.

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