Samir Becic Reaches Out to 50 Governors as part of New Fitness Campaign


Houston’s official “Fitness Czar” Samir Becic is in full swing of his national 2022 fitness campaign! With his focus on promoting health and fitness, Samir is no stranger to campaigning- in fact, he famously ran 7 marathons in 8 weeks wearing a 73.5 lbs weighted vest to promote awareness and lived for 6 weeks with a 300 lbs weighted suit to better understand obesity. Reaching national and international levels with his campaigns, Samir is no stranger to tying politics into his fitness agenda. In recent years, he’s spearheaded dozens of campaigns including sending dedicated and signed books of his HarperCollins published “ReSync Your Life” to U.S. political leaders in an effort to inspire them to keep motivating Americans to live healthier and fitter.

Obesity is a public health issue that is even more of a problem than the opioid epidemic. A rise in obesity also means a rise in diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, and more. Having said that, it is important for there to be laws and regulations regarding things such as nutritional value in foods and physical activity. According to the CDC, the U.S. adult obesity rate stands at 42.4 percent, the first time the national rate has passed the 40 percent mark, and further evidence of the country’s obesity crisis. The national adult obesity rate has increased by 26 percent since 2008. If no change is done, obesity-related diseases and death rates are to rise dramatically by 2030. Having said that, 4 x#1 Fitness Trainer in America Samir Becic wants to reverse these trending statistics and make a change. Since the start of the year, he’s sent over 500 letters to school districts throughout Texas and nationwide. Now, he’s reaching out to national lawmakers, including the 100 Mayors of the largest cities in America and all 50 Governors.

Earlier this month, Samir sent 500 letters to prominent Texas politicians to bring awareness to the ongoing issue of obesity. This is in addition to previously sending dedicated books to the 36 U.S. Congressmembers and 2 U.S. Senators that represent Texas! In his letters, Samir highlights the importance of fitness and nutrition in hopes of making an actionable change at improving the health and fitness of Texans.

“Especially now, more than ever, a healthy lifestyle is crucial! It is important to the health of our nation in many aspects- from physical wellbeing, all the way to financial and national security. In addition to wholeheartedly recommending that every American get vaccinated, wear a mask, and physically distance- I also recommend that every American practice physical exercise and healthy nutrition with immune-boosting nutrients through food and/or supplements. It is immensely important to strengthen our immune systems in every way available to us” Samir Becic emphasizes.

Here is what Samir wrote in his letters to the Governors:

“I write to you as a proud yet concerned American citizen to ask for your support in addressing the ever-worsening obesity epidemic afflicting our great nation. For the past twenty years ago, I have devoted myself to improving the health and fitness of Americans through lectures, community outreach, publishing, and serving as the current “fitness czar” for the City of Houston. Sadly, I write to you today to share my concern that our fellow Americans are under assault from a rising tide of obesity.

Currently, well over one-third of Americans are obese. In the past three years, the number of states with an obesity rate of at least 35 percent has nearly doubled. Beyond the devastating human toll on Americans and their families, obesity costs were around $147 billion in 2020 and this burden is estimated to increase by up to $550 billion by 2030. 

As a political leader, you are uniquely situated to make a positive difference in this fight. We know that the single most effective method for combating obesity is physical fitness and healthy nutrition, but far too few Americans are taking advantage of these simple and effective methods for improving their personal wellbeing. As a trusted voice and opinion leader in your community, you have the opportunity to motivate your constituents to pursue a healthy lifestyle through your words and actions. I call on you to promote the benefits of exercise and nutrition, to lead by example by pursuing a healthy lifestyle, to share with your community your personal efforts to do so, and to support efforts to strengthen and enhance the opportunities available to Americans to improve their health through exercise and nutrition.

For nearly a decade, as part of my effort to promote a healthy lifestyle in America, I have published rankings of notable individuals (including politicians) regarding their health and fitness, and how they promote healthy lifestyle. When published, these rankings are widely circulated and regularly appear in local, state, national, and international news and information sources. Because I know that you share my desire to see a healthy and happy future for all Americans, I would like the opportunity to include you in one of these future lists. Let’s motivate our fellow citizens to make a better future through physical fitness and healthy lifestyle!”

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