Samir Becic Holds Presentation to Over 100 Pastors


Health Fitness Revolution is very honored that our founder, Samir Becic, was able to giveĀ a presentation to more than 100 Lutheran pastors from the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on Jan. 27.

Becic spoke about the history of fitness and health and the correlation between spiritual and physical health. Here at HFR, we believe that spiritual health is one of most important components of healthy lifestyle. Becic was working with Pastor Arthur Murphy, who is the bridge between HFR and the Lutheran pastors from the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod. Arthur Murphy is a very fit pastor who works out 4-5 times a week and motivates other pastors to be healthy and fit.

“I was very impressed with Bishop Mike Rinehart for his dynamic, energetic and enthusiastic approach, and his understanding of how healthy lifestyle can impact his synod. Bishop Rinehart works out regularly, and I hope that he can be a leading bishop in terms of healthy lifestyle for the entire Lutheran church in the United States.”

Becic was very glad to see his friend, the Rev.Ā Dr. Robert Moore, who is fluent in German and is senior pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Houston. Dr. Moore was given the Order of Merit (Verdienstorden), the highest honor that the Republic of Germany bestows on citizens and foreigners.

All the churches are using Health Fitness Revolution Magazine as their main source for health news.


Pastor Arthur Murphy, Bishop Mike Rinehart and Samir Becic.


The Rev. Dr. Robert Moore.IMG_0886

Pastor Jim Fowler, who lost over 50 pounds.IMG_0887

One of the staff members of Lutheran Synod lost more than 80 pounds.

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