Our recent lists analyzing the health and fitness levels of the 2016 Presidential Hopefuls is making news everywhere including the Houston Chronicle! Our founder Samir Becic even released his 2016 Presidential Hopeful Fitness Reportcard.
While a race in politics is not to be taken as a literal test of physical prowess, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t. One of the most pivotal issues in American politics right now is healthcare and with obesity and chronic illness on the rise, Health Fitness Revolution found it necessary to break down the presidential candidates in terms of their political issues regarding health and fitness as well as their personal health.
“The president’s job is a very stressful one that requires him or her to be on duty 24/7. The stress that they are exposed to can affect their health so drastically that if they don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle, they can be subjected to any number of chronic illnesses – both physical and mental,” said HFR Founder and renowned fitness expert Samir Becic.
“Our future president will have much more competition than the previous presidents because of where the modern world is heading – and against other leaders whose views differ, such as Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.” – Samir Becic
To read the Houston Chronicle’s take on our lists, please click here.