“Samir Becic Day” Reported by N1 in Bosnia


In an article titled “Houston, USA dedicated January 10, 2023, to Bosnian “Fitness Czar” Samir Becic” N1, the CNN exclusive news channel affiliate in Bosnia reported this momentous occasion.

Samir Becic, the Bosnian “Fitness Czar” who has been a prominent figure and volunteer in Houston’s fitness community for more than two decades, was honored with a proclamation from the city of Houston declaring January 10, 2023 “Samir Becic Day.” N1 highlighted that Becic was awarded the proclamation by Mayor Sylvester Turner and the City of Houston.

Many people packed the room to witness Becic receive the city’s highest honor.

Becic, who is a fitness expert, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and the founder Health Fitness Revolution magazine has been engaged in Houston in an effort to make the city healthier and fitter and played a key role in building the city’s fitness culture.

In the past, Becic has been vocal about the political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2021, he sent letters to 100 U.S. Senators and the 435 members of the House of Representatives warning them about the situation in the country.

To read the N1 article, click here.

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