Samir Becic Applies for Dear Moon Crew


Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa is looking for eight crewmembers for a mission to the moon and HFR founder and Houston’s Official “Fitness Czar” Samir Becic hopes to take his talents to the stratosphere!

Maezawa, the Japanese billionaire who bought all the tickets on the Starship aircraft, announced Tuesday (March 2) that his dearMoon project, which aims to fly the “first civilian mission to the moon,” is now looking for eight crewmembers to fly to and around the moon and back on SpaceX’s Starship spacecraft. 

The DearMoon project was announced in 2018 with the original intent to bring a crew of artists to the moon. In this latest release, Maezawa calls for applicants to make up a #DearMoonCrew of eight individuals from around the world (who use their talents to make our planet a better place) for the week-long lunar trip.

It’s no secret that Samir has used his drive, passion, and vision to try and make the world a healthier place. Once named 4 x #1 Fitness Trainer in the world, he continues to try and motivate Americans to get active with his extreme fitness challenges, seminars, volunteer work, and utilizing his position as the “fitness Czar” to the fourth largest city in America for positive change. When Maezawa mentioned those on the crew help their fellow crewmembers, Samir knew he could help them all get ready for the rigorous space mission and the toll it could take on the body- he could train them and get them physically ready for the journey!

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk voices his support for the mission in the official video, stating “I think we’ll make a real difference.”

“I’m inviting you to join me on this mission. Eight of you from all around the world,” Maezawa said in the video. “The mission will take place two years from now, in 2023. I want people from all kinds of backgrounds to join.” 

The SpaceX Starship system is a proposed fully reusable, two-stage-to-orbit super heavy-lift launch vehicle under development by SpaceX, founded by visionary billionaire Elon Musk. The founding ethos of this private spaceflight company was to make life multi-planetary. 

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