Man of the Month: Dr. Peter Hotez

Source: Baylor University

Houston, we have our man of the month! For the month of January 2021, it is none other than Professor Peter Hotez, MD, PhD. Health Fitness Revolution is proud to honor Houstonians that are doing a great job!

Over the past year, the world has grappled with the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Our lives have changed significantly, but a friendly face and voice of reason has kept us informed. He’s frequently featured on national TV shows for his expertise, and became a household name… it’s Houston’s own Professor Peter Hotez MD, PhD! 

It is important to note that while he does extensive work and philanthropy that positively influences humanity, no matter how busy he is, Dr. Hotez is a champion and advocate for the health of others and has been a clear voice of fact and reason on his Twitter during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is why he deserves to be Health Fitness Revolution’s Man of the Month!

Dr. Peter Hotez’s bio is nothing short of impressive. Throughout 2020 and into 2021, he has relentlessly used his social media platforms to help combat misinformation about the outbreak of COVID-19. In an interview with the American Medical Association, Hotez noted that communicating clear messages about the ongoing pandemic is of vital importance in an environment that is rife with confusing and misleading messages. “We’ve been hearing either the sky was falling or there was no problem… the reality is more nuanced than that and that requires some explanation based on scientific principles.” 

HFR founder Samir Becic recognizes how fortunate Houston is to have such a great medical resource “Houston, we have one of the best Covid-19 experts in the world- Professor Peter Hotez MD, PhD. Thank you Professor for your never-ending dedication to helping our nation overcome the worst pandemic since 1918! Many of the nation’s top Covid-19 experts look up to you!”

Dr. Hotez has authored more than 500 original papers and is the author of four single-author books, including Forgotten People, Forgotten DiseasesBlue Marble Health: An Innovative Plan to Fight Diseases of the Poor amid WealthVaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism; and a forthcoming 2020 book on vaccine diplomacy in an age of war, political collapse, climate change, and antiscience.

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