King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Fitness Profile

Jigme Khesar Wangchuck

Between long days dealing with bureaucrats and the stress of running a country, politicians face an uphill battle when it comes to staying healthy. Even though they have to lift up the weight of the world, these politicians somehow found a way to stay healthy. Which is great, because as public figures they have a huge amount of influence on the healthy of their country. King Jigme Khesar Wangchuck is a politician who has managed to stay healthy and fit, and promotes fitness in Bhutan. Below is their fitness profile:

The King of Bhutan and his Queen are avid basketball players and are currently trying to make it a national sport. King Jigme Singye Wangchuck stopped playing goalie in soccer when he realized that none of the players dared to knock one past the future King of Bhutan. So he switched to a more egalitarian sport: basketball, where the game’s fast pace and sharp elbows tend to blur any distinction between royalty and commoners.  The King of Bhutan is also known to meditate, which helps keep him calm- an important aspect of health.

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