Kanye West Workout and Fitness Routine


Celebrities get all the attention, which means they have to look good for the paparazzi, so they have to eat healthy and workout. Forget the scandals and the dating drama, give us their diet and workout routines! Celebs have the benefit of working with expensive trainers and nutritionists to stay red carpet ready, so we’ve done the research and passed it along to you. Kanye West, best known for his colorful personality and rap career is the feature for this Celebrity Workout.  Here is the Kanye West workout routine:

“I’ve never been in better shape. I follow the 5 factor diet, it made me healthy, and it’s unbelievable, but the food tastes really great.”

  • Barry’s Bootcamp – alternates between weight and cardio training
  • Jogs
  • 5 factor diet
  • Works out 25 minutes per day ranging from strength training, cardiovascular, and core movements

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