Tim Tuttle is a radio personality at 93Q country music radio station in Houston, TX. He is also a huge promoter and ambassador of health and fitness to the Houston community! We highlighted Tim Tuttle’s various impressive health and fitness achievements in our article Top 10 Fittest Radio Personalities in Houston 2019 which got featured in the Houston Chronicle’s 10 fittest radio personalities in Houston. Read more to find out how he stays fit, what inspires him, and some new things you haven’t heard before!
HFR: What is your daily exercise and nutrition routine?
Tim Tuttle: I work out six days a week. My current routine begins with a 22-minute speed walk (1.6 miles at 4.4 MPH) as a warm-up. Then a 3-day mostly dumbbell lifting cycle of 6 exercises heavy enough to only be able to do 6-10 reps, everything to failure:
- Day 1 focuses on the chest and back
- Day 2 is biceps and triceps
- Day 3 shoulders and legs
I’m very big on portion control. I like to eat very small meals five or six times a day. I drink a lot of water and limit my carb and sugar intake.
HFR: What keeps you motivated to stay healthy?
Tim Tuttle: I am a 50-year-old man with a 3-year-old son and a 38-year-old girlfriend that works out every day, sometimes twice a day.

HFR: Do you believe that being fit and staying healthy has contributed to your successful career?
Tim Tuttle: Without a doubt! With the advent of social media, a radio personality can’t just hide behind a microphone anymore.
HFR: In general, what inspires you?
Tim Tuttle: People who tell me I can’t do something. I’ve always performed better with a chip on my shoulder.
HFR: What tips would you give your fans and our readers to staying healthy?
Stay focused and surround yourself with people that have similar goals and visions.
HFR: Share something that most people don’t know about you.
I am a part-time futures trader who backtests and forward tests algorithms and trades almost every weekday year-round.