Houston’s Fitness Czar Meets with Mayoral Hopefuls Senator Whitmire and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee


Samir Becic, Houston’s Official “Fitness Czar” and recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, attended the Houston Mayoral Forum at the Junior League of Houston on Monday. A diverse field of candidates participated in the event hosted by the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce, seeking to replace term-limited Mayor Sylvester Turner. The event provided an opportunity for voters to evaluate the leadership qualities and policy visions of those vying to steer Houston into the future.

Samir Becic and Senator John Whitmire

In attendance were State Senator John Whitmire, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston Councilmember Robert Gallegos, Investor Gilbert Garcia, and Attorney Lee Kaplan. All demonstrated commitment to Houston’s priorities, but two stood out as uniquely strong – Senator Whitmire and Congresswoman Jackson Lee.

Cindy Clifford, Senator John Whitmire and Samir Becic

John Whitmire has an unmatched career in public service, having served over 41 years in the Texas State House and Senate. His deep experience and bipartisan approach have proven effective in passing impactful legislation. As the longest-serving Senator in Texas history, few know state government and the Houston region better than Whitmire.

Samir Becic and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Similarly, Sheila Jackson Lee is a trailblazing leader who has spent decades delivering results for Houstonians in her role in the U.S. House of Representatives. With leadership positions on influential committees like the Judiciary, she understands the federal policy issues critical to Houston. Her tireless advocacy has brought significant funding and attention to concerns like infrastructure and public health.

Samir Becic believes the next mayor must have both passion for Houston and a vision for the future. Of all the candidates, none compare to Senator Whitmire and Congresswoman Jackson Lee in the combination of experience, proven effectiveness, and understanding of the complex challenges facing Houston. With over 8 decades of combined leadership experience, they are undoubtedly the strongest candidates to guide Houston forward.

Also in attendance were Houston’s previous Mayor Annise Parker and Houston Fire Chief Samuel Pena.

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