Cycle syncing has become a rising health trend and has gained a ton of attention this year. Cycle syncing is modifying lifestyle routines to the four phases of the menstrual cycle. The four phases are: menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and the luteal phase. By adjusting one’s self-care, nutrition, exercise, and overall lifestyle activities to the menstrual cycles it can benefit hormone health greatly. More than just a trend, cycle syncing has health benefits that can help achieve an intrinsic and proactive approach to wellness. Here are some health benefits of cycle syncing:
Reduce PMS symptoms: Many women deal with symptoms of PMS during their luteal phase. Symptoms such as increased hunger and cravings, bloating, cramping, mood changes, and more usually occur. Focusing on eating a diet in lean proteins, healthy fats, complex carbs are suggested for this specific phase. Vitamin B6 rich foods in specific also help with alleviating PMS symptoms. Incorporating high-fiber foods and anti-inflammatory foods during this phase can ease bloating, and support mood swings as well. A study published in the Journal of Women’s Health found that dietary changes can significantly reduce PMS symptoms, highlighting the importance of nutrition in managing hormonal fluctuations.

Enhanced workouts: Cycle syncing your workouts can actually provide you with better strength and energy depending on which phase you’re in and what workouts you’re doing! For example, during the menstrual phase energy levels and strength are usually at their lowest. Resting and low-intensity exercises are best. During the follicular phase, your motivation and energy to workout is rising. This is usually the best time for running and high intensity exercise. The ovulatory phase is when your mood and energy is usually at its best, and you’re feeling strong. This is a great time for exercises such as jogging, hiking, and bike riding. Lastly, during your luteal phase your energy decreases significantly. This is also when PMS symptoms start, which means low-intensity exercises are great. Things like light walks, yoga, or functional training. Research from the American Journal of Physiology supports the idea that tailoring workouts to menstrual phases can optimize performance and recovery.
Better mental well being: Understanding how to treat your body and support it during different phases can be very beneficial for your mental health and empower you. Irritability and lower energy levels usually occur during the menstrual cycle. Depression and feelings of sadness are also common in women during their menstruation. Doing self-care activities such as meditation, relaxing, or watching comforting shows/movies can help get away from those feelings. Not only does cycle syncing help you pay attention to your hormones and cycles, it’s also creating a deep mind-body connection. This can lead to better mental health, happiness, and feeling more balanced. A study in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that women who practiced cycle syncing reported improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression.

Better sense of nutrition: Throughout the different cycles, eating different foods and incorporating more nutrients, minerals, and vitamins can positively affect your nutrition. During the menstrual cycle, foods such as leafy greens, lean meats, berries and bell peppers are great and make a colorful diet. The follicular phase is associated with lean proteins, healthy fats and carbs. Ovulation similarly to the follicular phase focuses on lean proteins, healthy fats and non-starchy veggies. Luteal is concentrated on lean proteins and complex carbs. Eating these foods with intention and listening to your body when doing so is very beneficial for nutrition. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition highlights the importance of tailored nutrition in supporting hormonal health and overall well-being
Fertility: While cycle syncing itself is not a fertility treatment, by understanding the phases and your cycle in general, it can give insight into what’s happening during your cycle and when your fertile window is to help you know when the best time to conceive is. Also, when eating specific types of food during a specific phase, some foods can support fertility and ovulation. For example, omega-3 and fiber rich foods can help with fertility. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that omega-3 fatty acids can improve fertility outcomes, emphasizing the role of diet in reproductive health.

Better digestion: The hormone progesterone is high during the Luteal phase, sometimes causing bloating and slower bowel movements. Taking note of your symptoms and tailoring your diet to this specific phase can help ease the bloating and also help digestion. Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as salmon and lean proteins is great during this phase. Fiber rich foods like sweet potatoes, oats and fruits can also help with digestion and bloating. Research from the Journal of Gastroenterology supports the idea that dietary adjustments can improve digestive health and reduce bloating.
Better overall wellness: When cycle syncing, you’re tailoring and paying attention to your diet, self-care activities, and exercise. This holistic approach not only can help benefit your cycle and hormones, it can also promote a sense of balance in yourself overall. Understanding how your hormones work and how to work with them throughout each phase can help relieve stress about your health. Making these changes for your hormone health can eventually lead to those habits being sustained, which can provide significant and positive lifestyle changes that improve your overall quality of life in the long run. A study in the Journal of Holistic Nursing found that holistic approaches to health, such as cycle syncing, can lead to improved overall wellness and quality of life.