George W. Bush, former United States president, has a military background and was in the Texas Air National Guard. He was quoted saying “Exercise is so important that corporate American should help its employees make time. There should be flextime for families, and there should be flextime for exercise. A healthy workforce is a more productive work force. We have got to do a better job of encouraging exercise in America.”
- Is a passionate runner and was known to run 6 times a week during his presidency.
- Said there’s never a question in his mind that he will work out. He Traveled everywhere with a treadmill and even had a treadmill on the Air Force One, and was known to run for extended periods of time during international flights.
- Uses the elliptical, weights, and stretching as part of his regime.
- Uses running as a form of therapy – said it helped with the distress he felt after his father lost the 1992 election.
- “First, it helps me sleep at night. Second, it keeps me disciplined. Running also breaks up my day and allows me to recharge my batteries. Running also enables me to set goals and push myself toward those goals. In essence, it keeps me young. A good run adds a little bounce to my step. I get a certain amount of self-esteem from it. Plus, I just look and feel better,” he told Runner’s World.
- Once ran the Houston marathon in a good time of 3:44, running the first mile in 8:30 and the last mile in 8:30.
- Enjoys mountain biking and has done so with several other Heads Of State worldwide.
- Has a low resting heart rate from his fitness level
- His physicians classified him in the top 2% of men his age for cardiovascular fitness when he went 26 minutes on a treadmill test (protocol unnamed), attaining a heart rate of 178 beats per minute.
- Made our list of 2014 Fittest Heads of State
- Made our list of Fittest American Politicians
- Top 100 Fittest U.S. Politicians