Fittest Senators in America 2020: Indiana Senator Todd Young

Throwback photo of Senator Todd Young with teammate Seth after NAPS soccer game.

Every year, Health Fitness Revolution recognizes politicians who choose to demonstrate healthy lifestyles for themselves, in addition to promoting physical activity within their communities. We recently published our new list of Top 20 Fittest Senators 2020 as part of this effort to promote health and fitness in the U.S.

HFR founder and author of ReSYNC Your Life, Samir Becic intends to use this list to motivate the other United States Senators to be more active and fit in order to be the best ambassadors for their cities as possible. The wealth and prosperity of a nation are dependent on the health and physicality of its people. “Every politician in the United States who is physically fit and promotes a healthy lifestyle in order to improve the future of our nation has my vote, regardless of party. Furthermore, with the COVID-19 pandemic, fitness and a healthy lifestyle should be emphasized more than ever- a healthy body has a robust immune system. While the immune system may not protect you from contracting the virus, it will definitely help with the recovery. Senator Todd Young deserves recognition for being a great ambassador of a healthy lifestyle through example” Becic says.

Congratulations Senator Todd Young on being one of the fittest Senators in America!

Fitness Profile

  • Former marine
    • Stated that his military experience made him a better leader.
  • Attended the U.S. Naval Academy.
    • The expertise he gained in the Marine Corps distinguishes him as leader who will fight to equip our military with the tools they need to protect our nation.
  • Todd voted for the Veterans Access to Care Act to secure quality health care that was promised to our veterans.
  • Following 10 years of service and an honorable discharge as a captain – and then a short stint in Washington where he worked at the Heritage Foundation – Young came back home to Indiana.
  • Made our list of 2017 Top 10 Fittest Senators.

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