Fittest Mayors in America 2020: Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner


Every year, Health Fitness Revolution recognizes politicians who choose to demonstrate healthy lifestyles for themselves, in addition to promoting physical activity within their communities. We recently published our new list of 20 Fittest Mayors in America 2020 as part of this effort to promote health and fitness in the U.S.

It is no surprise that HFR’s Man of the Year 2019 continues to put in the work to make his city: Houston, TX a healthier city. Mayor Sylvester Turner has worked diligently and tirelessly to promote health and wellness for the city despite his busy schedule. He has done everything from accepting fitness challenges to dance-offs, to creating more bike lanes in the city. He’s been a diligent advocate for “masking up’ to keep Houstonians safer during COVID-19, and is proponent of leading by example- he wears masks at all his public events!

HFR founder and author of ReSYNC Your LifeSamir Becic intends to use this list to motivate other mayors to be more active and fit in order to be the best ambassadors for their cities as possible. The wealth and prosperity of a nation are dependent on the health and physicality of its people. “Every politician in the United States who is physically fit and promotes a healthy lifestyle in order to improve the future of our nation has my vote, regardless of party,” Becic says.

Congratulations Mayor Sylvester Turner on being one of the fittest mayors in America!

Fitness Profile

  • Mayor Sylvester Turner has been the Mayor of Houston, Texas for the past 4 years.
  • We highlighted his good work in our article 10 ways Mayor Turner is promoting health in Houston article.
  • He frequently dances and participates in physical activities with his constituents at health events.
  • He has helped revitalize Discovery Green. The park is now gaining national recognition for its oasis-like atmosphere and opportunities for people to participate in healthy activities in the city.
  • He is active is in bringing awareness to Mental Health. He frequently posts tips so that people recognize the signs of mental illness so they can reach out for help and also recognize when our loved ones may need it.
  • Art is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and Mayor turner has been attending the Houston Art Fest to help draw awareness to its benefits. The festival additionally helps support and fund non-profit organizations.
  • Turner participated in the 75 mile Tour de Houston bike ride.
    • Houston has about 220 bike lanes right now. He wants to expand that number to 800 and eventually to 1500.
  • He is making sure that Houston is the nation’s best location for middle-class families. One of the greatest ways he is doing this is by making sure Houston is a place where families can spend time together participating in healthy activities- by investing in public parks and bike programs.
  • He supports the revitalization and renovation of Memorial Park, whose world-class municipal golf course is slated to host the 2020 Houston Open.
  • Mayor Turner is putting climate change solutions at the forefront, so we can all have cleaner air and better health- a big deal in a city that has so many cars!
  • His administration is partnering with local businesses and communities to implement a farmer’s market program, taking farmer’s markets to different areas throughout Houston.
    • Urban farmer’s markets, such as the 5th Ward’s Last Organic Outpost, provide fresh produce for affordable prices and form a deep connection with the local community.
  • During his campaign, he accepted Samir Becic’s challenge to join #PushUpsEverywhere without any hesitation. Dropping to the floor and delivering 10 high-quality pushups for the whole world to see.
  • One of the initiatives Mayor Turner is involved in is children’s asthma research. He has been speaking on effected children’s behalf and participating in projects to help draw awareness to the public health issue.
  • Mayor Turner has recently created a “Better. Together” multilingual health initiative to help teach the people in Houston, that don’t speak English, about ways to stay safe from the virus.
    • Educated people in their homes, schools, parks, businesses, houses of worship, restaurants and other places in order to reduce positive COVID-19 cases.
    • Turner has stated that he wishes for the Coronavirus rates to go from 23% to 5% in Houston with this program.
    • Read Mayor Turner’s proactive COVID-19 tips for Houstonians
  • Created a partnership with Prairie View A&M University to reduce health disparities in Houston’s underserved and under-resourced communities.
    • The goal of this partnership is to improve the communities’ health, nutrition and wellness.
    • Expanding awareness of healthy living programs, health services, and educating residents on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

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