Jessica Borg is a TV news Reporter and an avid Tennis player. For fun, she loves to take walks around her neighborhood with ankle weights and believes that making her meals with fresh ingredients is an important aspect of her diet. With an early history of competitive sports, ballet, and gymnastics she’s determined to remain fit for her health and the sake of her son. Keep reading to find out about some of Jessica’s favorite past-times and her great advice to anyone trying to get healthy and fit:

HFR: What is your daily exercise and nutrition routine?
Jessica: I love to take walks. I will walk around my neighborhood with ankle weights and holding free weights. I make sure to eat protein in the morning and typically have almonds and fruit for a snack. The key for me is to make most of my own meals using fresh ingredients. I enjoy making vegetable stews.
HFR: What keeps you motivated to stay healthy?
Jessica: I
The biggest motivating factor for me to stay healthy
HFR: Do you believe that being fit and healthy has contributed to your successful career?
Jessica: In a way, tv news reporting is a competitive sport! Field-reporting, or street reporting, requires physical hustle in order to get the interviews you need in a lightning-speed, deadline-driven environment. There can be a lot of actual running around involved. Sometimes, you’re walking long-distances carrying heavy equipment in intense heat. Staying fit and healthy is not just an appearance-based thing, but often a necessity to get the job done.
HFR: What inspires you, in general?
Jessica: My son inspires me to the best I can be every day — to feel more, learn more, contribute more.
Being in nature and the mountains especially, reminds
Art or artistic expression in any form inspires me. My favorite kinds of stories to cover are human-interest stories, where people show that extra bit of kindness, compassion,
HFR: What tips would you give your fans and our readers to staying healthy?
Jessica: Your exercise and nutrition routines don’t have to look like anyone else’s. I truly believe what works for one person may not for another, for a variety of reasons. I do recommend making your own meals and snacks because it can be rewarding in so many ways. In the end, it can save you time, money and extra weight.
HFR: Share something that most people don’t know about you!
Jessica: My dad had his pilot’s license for different types of aircraft. I flew with him often throughout my childhood and teenage years and took some memorable flying lessons.
I am also known for my flexible facial expressions, akin to Jim Carrey. I’m told my impersonations are spot-on!