We’ve all had to make adjustments this year with COVID-19 gripping almost every area of our lives. Celebrities and public figures are no different- which is why we asked them how they’ve adapted, what’s inspired them during this difficult time, and how they make time for themselves.
HFR founder Samir Becic adds “It is immensely important that Texans stay physically fit during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
We hope that these positive tips and routines will make our readers feel less alone during these trying times and maybe even find some inspiration in adopting some of these COVID-19 healthy daily habits!
How are you staying physically active in the age of COVID-19?
Scott Thuman: I’m one of those lucky people who already happened to have a water-rowing machine before COVID, so I dusted that off, no longer used it as a coat hanger…and got to work! I’ve spent time alternating between that and using an app called ‘Seven’ for quick HIT workouts in the living room.
What are you eating?
Scott Thuman: Most days, nothing but water or juice in the morning—and an occasional protein bar.
Midday if I’m being responsible, a salad with chicken or a Freshly (those individually packaged, single meals delivered to your house that just need heating up at work) and if I’m making a confession here: at the end of the week, my photographer and I on Fridays indulge in everything from Chick-fil-A to pizza. So we cheat. Weekly! It’s comforting and gives us something random to look forward to. I think you have to treat yourself on occasion during tough times.
Dinner can be anything from soup, to some Thai food take out, to just a small snack. It varies.

Being the voice of information and news during a pandemic creates new and unforeseen obstacles- what are some of the challenges that you’ve successfully adapted to/overcome?
Scott Thuman: I’m used to constantly being on the campaign trail and covering everything in-person. Being stuck in Washington was a hard transition. Fortunately, there are satellite feeds and Zoom interviews. I also work with a bigger team typically. We needed to limit exposure. Now it’s just my photographer Danny & editor Lisa.. Lucky for me, the three of us really like each other and they’re the best in the biz…so it’s been relatively easy.
How has your job changed in the past few months?
Scott Thuman: It’s all Covid, all the time. Covering it and the White House response to it, has dominated my daily routine. I’m on camera with more live reports than normal and I stopped counting after filing our 100th report on coronavirus.
The schedule has also changed. Instead of working 7am to 7pm…I was working later to cover those nightly White House press briefings by the Coronavirus task force. So, I would work around 10am to 930pm. On the upside, I was getting more sleep and time to work out in the morning.
How are you managing your stress during this time?
Scott Thuman: I’m walking a lot more than I ever have, finding excuses to go farther distances that I used to just drive instead. There is less traffic. It’s more calming and peaceful, even in downtown Washington D.C. I’m also reading a lot more and practically living outside. My dog Olive and I are taking in more fresh air than we ever thought possible.

A bit of positivity: have you seen an act of kindness or generosity during this difficult time that has moved you or inspired you?
Scott Thuman: Really just neighbors helping neighbors…and strangers too. Simple acts like offering to get groceries for those who were scared to leave the house or holding a door so someone else doesn’t have to touch it. And, it seems so trivial but people aren’t honking as much on the roads at each other…and that’s been a wonderful change. Especially in DC.
How are you staying in touch with family and friends?
Scott Thuman: That’s been great! While I really miss seeing them in person, my brother and my parents and I Facetime usually every few days and talk on the phone in between. We chat more than we ever have.
Any tips for staying more connected?
Scott Thuman: My friends and I started a Zoom-video trivia night where I would curate and moderate questions and they’d all buzz in with answers. The categories were all over the map, from sports to history. It was a great way to break the tension, compete and laugh in the early, scarier days of COVID.
What’s one good habit you have developed during this time that you want to keep?
Scott Thuman: Having a better perspective on what matters and not letting the stress of work overcome me. I’ve always stressed out too much because the job can be a lot to handle—and I still do… but I manage it better. I know how lucky I am to have a healthy family, great job and a pretty fantastic dog, Olive. That’s enough to realize I need to take a breath on some tough days, and look at things from 30,000 feet. I’ve got it really good and need to remember that, post COVID too.

We all have some tough days, what keeps you positive and motivated as a public figure?
Scott Thuman: People are clamoring to know what’s happening in their immediate area. It’s literally life & death news for some. So, knowing that delivering critical news, in an agenda-free and honest way is vital. Especially now. I don’t have any political leanings when it comes to being on-air and I’m proud of that. A complimentary email or bumping into a viewer who says they love my style of reporting really encourages me to keep fighting the good fight and stay above the fray.
What do you most look forward to doing again after restrictions are lifted?
Scott Thuman: Seeing my family, traveling (I’m usually overseas and exploring a lot–which I’ve halted), a dinner party with friends….and…dating. Being single in a pandemic is a real challenge.
What was the most fun quarantine activity you’ve done?
Scott Thuman: I’ve always been an outdoors guy but had never been to Chincoteague, Virginia which is about 3-4 hours away. It’s an island with all of these wild ponies living on it, which I’d always wanted to see. One day I took a kayak right up to the shore and just watched 3 of them. We stared at each other for about 20 minutes in pure quiet. It was pretty special. I feel like those relaxing, centering moments can be really cathartic.

What were the best and worst parts of working from home, especially when filming a newscast?
Scott Thuman: I’ve been lucky enough to still go into work each day, instead of stay home. It’s not so much bad or good–just bizarre. Getting your temperature taken each time you enter the White House or have a Covid test before interviewing the president, is a sobering thing. And being on-air with a mask. That’s been an adjustment for sure.
How did you and other coworkers stay in touch?
Scott Thuman: We check in with video chats on occasion but oddly enough, at times I feel like we’re talking on TV with each other more than anything else.

What are 3 tips you would give to all Americans during COVID-19?
Scott Thuman:
1. Be kind to each other. I know we’re all pretty tense right now but that’s no excuse to be ugly in our behavior. We don’t have to vilify someone just because we disagree.
2. Be socially distant, but not anti-social. In other words, wearing a mask, being physically distant, and staying home if that’s the rule are important…but…that doesn’t mean close yourself off to the world. The phone is always there. Reach out to family, friends, and those you’ve lost touch with. It can be invaluable to have that outlet and offer it to others.
3. Take advantage of the time. Binge-watching is great (and I certainly partake) but also use this time wisely. If you’ve always wanted to read more or explore that park you always drive by…or learn a language…it would be wonderful to come out of this ordeal on the other side and say, “I’m so happy that I did ______ and am a better person now, despite a pandemic”