Fitness in the Age of COVID: City of Houston Councilmember Amy Peck


We’ve all had to make adjustments over the past year with COVID-19 gripping almost every area of our lives. Public figures and Politicians are no different- which is why we asked them how they’ve adapted, what’s inspired them during this difficult time, and how they make time for themselves.

HFR founder Samir Becic adds “It is immensely important that Texans stay physically fit during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Samir interviewed Houston Councilmember for District A Amy Peck about how she’s staying fit and how she hopes Houstonians stay healthy and safe during this time too.

We hope that these positive tips and routines will make our readers feel less alone during these trying times and maybe even find some inspiration in adopting some of these COVID-19 healthy daily habits!

Samir Becic: How are you staying physically active during COVID?

Amy Peck: I have been working out at home and have had fun coming up with new workout routines that don’t involve gym equipment. I also try to wear ankle weights whenever I can since I definitely walk a lot less working at home than at the office.

Samir Becic: Leading during a pandemic creates new and unforeseen obstacles- what are some of the challenges that you’ve successfully adapted to/overcome?

Amy Peck: The biggest challenge for me has been not seeing my constituents as often as I did before the pandemic. A lot of the civic clubs and groups in my district have not held meetings. We had to adapt to new ways to reach out to people and stay connected.

Samir Becic: As a leader, you are probably working overtime on a daily basis- what do you do to relax and gather your thoughts?

Amy Peck: I try to make time each day to work out even if it’s just a quick session before my kids wake up. It helps me gather my thoughts and get ready for the day.

Samir Becic: A bit of positivity- have you seen an act of kindness or generosity during this difficult time that has moved you or inspired you?

Amy Peck: The District A community has really come together and helped each other during the pandemic. This is nothing new for District A. We always come together as a community, but I was especially inspired by how everyone came together after the winter storm. So many people were out of water or food or just needed help getting to the store. I saw so many neighbors coming together to help each other during this time. We even had constituents who were out of water at their homes and dealing with broken pipes who still came out to volunteer with our food and water distributions to help their neighbors. I love getting to serve this community, and while no one wants to go through a disaster, it is so inspiring to see how our neighbors come together in times of need.

Samir Becic: What’s one good habit you have developed during this time that you want to keep?

Amy Peck: I have started working out in the mornings even if it’s just a quick session. It has been easy to do since I basically just used what was my commute time for this. Once the City gets back to normal, I do want to continue working out each day.

Samir Becic: We all have some tough days, what keeps you positive and motivated as a leader?

Amy Peck: My kids! It’s easy to put things in perspective and stay motivated when I’m with my kids. On tough days, being with my kids is always a good reminder about why I am doing this job.

Samir Becic: What was the most fun quarantine activity you did?

Amy Peck: I have been having fun cooking new food! I always enjoyed cooking and baking before quarantine, but I have gotten into it even more now. I usually cook a lot of healthy meals, but lately, I have really enjoyed making bread, pasta, and pizza from scratch. It’s always fun to cook something indulgent every now and then.

Samir Becic: Have you had to alter your hobbies during COVID-19? If so, what have you replaced them with?

Amy Peck: I used to do hot yoga a lot before COVID-19, so that is something that I have not been able to do. I do other exercises in its place now.

Samir Becic: What are 3 tips you would give to all Houstonians during COVID-19?

Amy Peck:

1. Take time to get away from the computer. It’s easy to never stop working since there is no end time to leave the office. Take some time to walk away and clear your mind.

2. It’s OK to not be OK! Everyone is dealing with a lot of changes to our way of life even as things start to return to normal. Mental health is very important.  It’s OK to reach out for help!

3. Try to do something physical each day. It’s so easy at home to be idle. Make time to walk outside or move around.

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