Dr. Peter Hotez, the Legacy of a Legend


Dr. Peter Hotez is a pioneering figure in global health, known for his relentless fight against neglected tropical diseases, vaccine development, and his advocacy for scientific integrity. As the co-creator of a low-cost COVID-19 vaccine, he has been instrumental in ensuring equitable access to life-saving interventions. Dr. Hotez’s tireless work has improved public health globally, particularly for the world’s poorest populations. Samir Becic, founder of Health Fitness Revolution, remarks, “Dr. Peter Hotez stands as one of the most decorated and highly acclaimed scientists and medical doctors in the United States. Given his remarkable contributions, I can think of no one more deserving of a Nobel Prize.”

Dr. Peter Hotez has received over 80 awards spanning from 1985 to today, acknowledging his contributions to parasitology, tropical medicine, vaccine development, and public health advocacy. Dr. Hotez’s numerous accolades reflect his exceptional contributions to science and humanity. Some of his notable awards include:

2024 Awards

  1.  2024 C.-E. A. Winslow Medal
    Awarded by the Yale School of Public Health, this prestigious medal honors individuals whose work embodies the ideals of C.-E. A. Winslow, a pioneer of modern public health.
  2. UN Foundation, Shot-at-Life “Voices for Vaccines Award”
    Acknowledges global vaccine advocacy and contributions.
  3. TIME100 Health 2024
    Celebrates 100 influential individuals in global health.
  4. Anthony Cerami Award in Translational Medicine, Molecular Medicine (Feinstein Institutes)
    Honors innovative medical research with practical applications.
  5. SHEA Best Session Award (Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America)
    Recognizes excellence in healthcare epidemiology sessions.
  6. Mendel Medal, Villanova University
    Awarded for contributions to scientific discovery and service to humanity.
  7. Porter Prize, UPMC
    A prize from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for leadership in healthcare.
  8. Sigma Xi, John P. McGovern Science and Society Award
    Recognizes scientists who have made outstanding contributions to society.

2023 Awards

  1. Texan of the Year, Dallas Morning News
    Given for impactful contributions to Texas and society.
  2. Medscape Best Physicians of the Year 2022
    Celebrates exceptional contributions to medicine and public health.
  3. AAAS Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility
    Honors those who promote the use of science in the public interest.
  4. WHAM Impact Maker Award (with Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi)
    Recognizes positive contributions to Houston communities.
  5. John Boettiger Jr Award for Community Partnership (The Immunization Partnership)
    Celebrates community-driven efforts in immunization advocacy.
  6. LBJ Moral Courage Award, Holocaust Museum Houston
    Recognizes courage and leadership in addressing moral and ethical challenges.
  7. Jaques DeMolay Masonic Lodge #1390 Community Builder Award
    Given for outstanding community leadership and service.
  8. National Academy of Medicine, David and Beatrix Hamburg Award for Advances in Biomedical Research and Clinical Medicine
    Honors exceptional achievements in medical research.
  9. Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award, Infectious Disease Society of America
    Recognizes leadership in infectious disease research and advocacy.
  10. Springer Nature – Sense About Science, Maddox Prize finalist
    Recognizes those who promote sound science and evidence-based reasoning.

2022 Awards

  1. Nobel Peace Prize Nomination
    Nominated for his role in vaccine development and addressing global health challenges.
  2. STAT (Boston Globe) STATUS LIST – 46 Leaders in Health, Medicine, and Science
    Recognizes leaders in medicine and global health for their transformative contributions.
  3. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Public Health Leadership Award
    Given for leadership in advocating for rare diseases.
  4. W.Neal Kocurek Award for Health Advocacy
    Recognizes contributions to healthcare and community advocacy.
  5. Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Visionary Leadership Award
    Awarded for leadership in U.S.-Arab relations and health advocacy.
  6. World Vaccine Congress 2022, Best Academic Research Team
    Recognizes exceptional work in vaccine development at Texas Children’s Hospital.
  7. Distinguished Scientist Award, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)
    Celebrates distinguished research contributions in infection control.
  8. American Leadership Forum (ALF) Public Service Award
    Awarded for significant public service contributions.
  9. Baylor College of Medicine Michael E. DeBakey, M.D., Excellence in Research Award
    Honors outstanding research contributions at Baylor.
  10. Fast Company, Most Creative People in Business 2022
    Recognizes innovative approaches in business and public health.
  11. Houston Peace and Justice Center Local Peacemaker Award
    Given for contributions to peace and justice in the Houston area.
  12. American College of Physicians (ACP) Harriet P. Dustan Award
    Recognizes excellence in scientific research related to medicine.
  13. Washington Global Health Alliance Luminary Leader Award
    Given for leadership in advancing global health initiatives.

2021 Awards

  1. Pharmaceutical-technology.com, Biggest Influencer in Infectious Diseases Q1
    Recognizes influential figures in the field of infectious diseases.
  2. Weill Cornell Medical College Annual Award of Distinction
    Honors exceptional alumni for their contributions to medicine.
  3. Texas Society for Biomedical Research Distinguished Service Award
    Given for leadership in biomedical research.
  4. American Academy of Pediatrics, Special Achievement Award (District VII, Texas)
    Recognizes contributions to pediatrics and public health.
  5. American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) David E. Rogers Award
    Given for exceptional public health leadership.
  6. Texas Pediatric Society Special Achievement Award for COVID-19
    Recognizes leadership in addressing COVID-19 challenges.
  7. RESULTS Seeds of Hope Award
    Given for humanitarian efforts in addressing global health issues.

2020 Awards

  1. Center for Pursuit COVID-19 Award
    Recognizes contributions to the fight against COVID-19.
  2. Discovery Green Unsung Heroes Award
    Celebrates individuals making a difference in their communities during the pandemic.
  3. Houston Chronicle’s Most Fascinating People of 2020
    Honors influential figures in Houston for their contributions to public health.

2019 Awards

  1. Houston Business Journal “Health Care Hero”
    Recognizes significant contributions to healthcare in Houston.
  2. Baylor College of Medicine Distinguished Faculty Award
    Celebrates faculty excellence in teaching, research, or service.
  3. Ronald McDonald House Charities Medical Award of Excellence
    Given for outstanding medical service benefiting children.
  4. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Award for Leadership in Advocacy for Vaccines
    Acknowledges leadership in promoting vaccine use for global health.

2017 Awards

  1. B’nai B’rith International Distinguished Achievement Award
    Honors individuals who have made substantial contributions to global humanitarian causes.
  2. American Medical Writers Association John P. McGovern Award
    Recognizes outstanding contributions to medical communication.
  3. Carlos Slim Health Award
    Prestigious award for excellence in health research and advocacy.
  4. Harris Riley Award and Lectureship (University of Oklahoma)
    Honors achievements in pediatric healthcare and public service.
  5. Abraham White Lifetime Public Service Award
    Recognizes a lifetime of contributions to public health and science.

2016 and Earlier

  1. BRASS Mentor Award (2016)
    Recognizes excellence in mentoring future generations of medical professionals.
  2. RESULTS Seeds of Hope Humanitarian Prize (2015)
    Given for humanitarian work in addressing global health inequities.
  3. Passion in Science Award (2014)
    Acknowledges those who apply science to humanitarian causes.
  4. International Recognition Award, Texas Children’s Hospital (2014)
    Celebrates contributions to global health through vaccine development.
  5. Abraham Horwitz Award for Excellence in Leadership (2011)
    Awarded by WHO for leadership in Inter-American public health initiatives.


  1. Distinguished Researcher Award, GWU (2009)
    Given for significant contributions to medical research.
  2. Bailey Ashford Medal (2003)
    Honors excellence in tropical medicine.
  3. Henry Baldwin Ward Medal (1999)
    Recognizes outstanding research in parasitology.

1991-1985 Awards

  1. Culpeper Medical Science Scholar Award (1991)
    Awarded by the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation, recognizing promising early-career scientists in medical research.
  2. Pediatric Fellows’ Teaching Prize, Yale University School of Medicine (1991)
    Acknowledges excellence in teaching by pediatric fellows.
  3. Young Investigator Award, Pediatric Infectious Disease Society (1993)
    Honors outstanding early-career research in pediatric infectious diseases.
  4. Pfizer Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (1989)
    Awarded for research potential in biomedical science during postdoctoral studies.
  5. Franklyn Ellenbogen Prize, Cornell University (1987)
    Given for excellence in parasitology research.
  6. Leslie Stauber Award, New Jersey Society of Parasitology (1985)
    Recognizes significant contributions to the field of parasitology.

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