You might be surprised to know that currently, only 10% of American adults meet the recommended levels for physical activity. The federal guidelines suggest 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity. That’s only 2.5 hours out of 168 hours in the week. And still, people can’t seem to find a reason – or the motivation – to get active. But doctors across the country are doing their part to change this and writing more prescriptions for exercise.
Instead of writing more prescriptions for drugs and pills, doctors are now writing more prescriptions for exercise and physical activity. While some people still require the drugs and pills, doctors are adding exercise to the prescription as well.
Rather than continue telling their patients about the dangers of inactivity, doctors are suggesting that their patients get the right amount of exercise. This is due to the Exercise is Medicine program overseen by the American College of Sports Medicine, which encourages primary-care doctors and other health care providers to include physical activity when designing treatment plans for patients.
So if you’re one of the 90% of Americans not getting enough exercise in your week, follow the doctor’s orders!
Information gathered from Fox News.