8 Health Benefits of ASMR


As the world becomes more and more connected, new trends and fads are constantly popping up. One of these trends is Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, better known in today’s day in age as ‘ASMR’ has taken the world by storm. What started off a small community on platforms such as YouTube- has become a worldwide phenomenon where people of all ages (even celebrities!) are creating their own ASMR videos on platforms like instagram, tiktok, snapchat, and more. But what exactly is ASMR? It can be different for everyone, but the general idea is the tingling sensation people get from certain sounds such as whispering, tapping, and more. So, what is all the hype about? Here are the health benefits of ASMR.

Biological changes

The studies are in, and the results are pretty clear: ASMR has a positive effect on the body.

Studies conducted have uncovered the positive effects ASMR has on the body. A study done in 2018 found that ASMR activates specific areas of the brain- namely the reward and emotional arousal networks. In other words, it makes us feel good!

Another study done in 2018 found that ASMR decreased heart rate and increased skin conductance (i.e., made people sweat). BBC’s  “Trust Me, I’m a Doctor” even conducted its own study in regards to ASMR’s effects on the human body and found lowered heart rates and increased skin arousal.

So if you haven’t tried ASMR yet, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot!

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ASMR is a feeling of calmness, relaxation, and comfort that we experience when watching certain videos. These videos often feature someone performing a task in a gentle way, such as whispering or tapping on objects.

These videos have been found to increase calmness in individuals, as well as helping them to fall asleep faster. They are also known for creating a sense of connection between the creator of the video and the viewer itself.

This phenomenon can be traced back to ancient times when people would listen to stories being told by others in order to feel relaxed and at ease.

A study done in 2018 found that ASMR videos helped increase calmness in individuals. Another study done in 2017 found that 86% of people enjoyed ASMR specifically for its calming effects on them. Similarly, another study found that 98% of individuals watched ASMR for the sole purpose of relaxation.

Nail tapping. Making ASMR sounds. Triggers for relaxation, good sleep and stress relief.

Stress & Anxiety

If you’re looking to de-stress, ASMR might be the answer.

Studies have shown that ASMR can help a person cope with stress and anxiety. In fact, one study in 2018 found that ASMR decreased stress while another review in 2017 found that 11% of participants watched ASMR videos specifically to help them deal with anxiety. Similarly, a 2015 study found that 70% of its participants used ASMR videos as a way to deal with stress.

It’s not just anecdotal evidence either—research shows that people who watch ASMR regularly report feeling happier and less stressed out than those who don’t watch it at all!

Sleeping issues

Has your sleep been affected by the stress of everyday life?

If so, you’re not alone. Many people use ASMR as a sort of guide to help them fall asleep. The 2017 review states that 41% of participants used ASMR to help them fall asleep. Another study done in 2015 found that a whopping 82% of its participants used ASMR to fall asleep.

This is because the videos are low-stress and relaxing. Since they’re usually focused on sounds or visuals that are meant to be soothing, watching ASMR videos can help you unwind after a stressful day and prepare for bedtime.

Mood issues

It’s no secret that ASMR videos have helped people around the world relax, focus on their tasks, and feel better overall. But did you know that ASMR has also been proven to help individuals with mood disorders such as depression? In fact, a growing body of research has shown that ASMR is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety in people who do not respond to conventional therapies.

A 2018 study (study 1) found that ASMR videos decreased sadness in its participants. Continuing, a 2015 study found that 80% saw positive effects of ASMR and even said ASMR helped divert depression in those that were said to be high risk.


The effects of ASMR on those with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have been studied, and the results are promising. In this article, ASMR was found to help people with ADD and ADHD focus on tasks for longer periods of time. The study found that “ASMR videos were shown to significantly increase the quality of attention, mental calmness and relaxation,” which could be a helpful tool for those who struggle with these issues on a daily basis.

A study done by Panasonic found that 7% of its 2,000 employees listened to ASMR while working. An ongoing study states that ⅕ of those dealing with ADD or ADHD listened to ASMR to help focus.

ASMR can help those with disorders that hinder focus such as ADD, ADHD, or other mental health issues like depression and anxiety!


ASMR has even been used by people to help treat their pain. While further research is needed to solidify this claim, there has been a study done to support this claim. A study done in 2015 found that 42% of its participants claimed that ASMR helped ease their chronic pain.

The theory behind how ASMR helps alleviate chronic pain is still being debated by scientists, but some believe it could be due to the release of endorphins during an ASMR session. Endorphins are chemicals in the body that can make us feel good and reduce our perception of pain. However, there is no evidence yet that proves this theory is true.

Even though there is still much research being done on ASMR and its effects on chronic pain, there are many people who have found relief using ASMR videos for their condition! If you have chronic pain yourself, try doing some ASMR videos just for fun or see if they help ease your symptoms!

ASMR. Autonomic Sensory Meridian Response. Sensory System

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