Are you suddenly suffering from unwarranted acne? The root of your problem may be maskne, acne produced from the dirt and moisture trapped by the friction of our masks aka mask acne. Do not feel like you are alone with this! As the weather gets warmer, our skin is bound to become increasingly irritated from our masks.
So, what can you do to prevent maskne?
Cleanse Your Skin: According to Dermatologist Bowe, when looking for an effective cleanser, try to find products that are described as “gentle, hydrating and pH balanced,” while avoiding harsh ingredients such as SLS, sodium lauryl sulfate. When applying your cleanser, try to rub it in with your fingertips or a clean towel instead of your entire hands to avoid adding any extra dirt to your face.
#Maskne is the new acne! But fear not, @DrWhitneyBowe has got you covered on how to prevent breakouts from wearing your face mask.
— Good Morning America (@GMA) May 31, 2020
Avoid Oil-Based Products: With all the extra dirt and oil the friction between your skin and the mask generates, it is important to avoid oil-based foundation or moisturizers. Makeup products that are generally thick or oil-based can further clog your pores with bacteria, resulting in breakouts. According to dermatologic surgeon Dendy Engelman, M.D., it is important to “Swap out thick foundations and concealers for lighter, non-comedogenic formulas.” Dermatologists recommend to look out for washes with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
Along with swapping for more non oil-based products, it is more vital than ever to moisturize your face! The moisturizer can provide a barrier between the mask and your skin in order to prevent clogging your pores.
Choose The Right Material For Your Mask: When preventing acne breakouts, try to find a mask that is light and breathable, such as cotton or silk. Material that is softer, lighter and more breathable is less likely to make you sweat, resulting in less dirt trapped between your skin. The least friction between the material and your skin is the best! Also, no matter what material your mask is, it is so important to frequently wash it! Washing your mask often will avoid the build up of dirt that will immediately affect your skin.
Avoid Wearing Makeup: Although makeup may be part of our regular routine, and is certainly a form of self-care, the products may increase the likelihood of developing maskne. Certain ingredients in makeup products clog the pores, resulting in excess bacteria on your skin. If you absolutely cannot skip products like foundation this summer, David Lortscher, MD, board-certified dermatologist, suggests using products that contain salicylic acid, as this ingredient can prevent and treat the blocked pores on your skin.
Hydration is Always Key to Healthy and Happy Skin: Keeping yourself hydrated to maintain healthy skin is NOT a myth! Your skin is made up of skin cells that, just like any other organ inside the body, needs to be nourished and hydrated in order to function properly. According to research, drinking about 2 liters of pure water a day can help prevent acne breakouts.
Staying hydrated is vital for all parts of the body, as well. Make sure to check out our article on the 10 reasons why we should all be drinking 3 liters of water daily!