5 Nutrients that Help Stop Muscle Spasms


We’ve all been there- out of nowhere. we get a painful, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles that can occur when we are active or even sleeping.Muscle cramps are caused by overexertion, lack of stretching, poor circulation, dehydration, and lack of certain nutrients.  Here is HFR’s list of 5 nutrients to include in your diet to stop muscle spasms and avoid muscle cramps:

Muscle cramps are caused by overexertion, lack of stretching, poor circulation, dehydration, and lack of certain nutrients.  Here is HFR’s list of 5 nutrients to include in your diet to stop muscle spasms and avoid muscle cramps:

  • Water, water, and water: We cannot emphasize the necessity of pure water for the body.  We wrote an article about the benefits of water here.  When you’re dehydrated, the electrolyte-water balance is disturbed, stimulating nerves.  It just takes a loss of two percent of your body’s water to become dehydrated, and the average person loses three to four cups per day just through sweat and urine.  So keep rehydrating with water! A great way to know if you’re dehydrated is by your urine. If it is a dark yellow color, you need to consume more water. Until your urine is a semi-clear yellow color, you know you are on the right track. 
  • Calcium: This mineral controls the nerve signals that allow a muscle to contract. When there’s a calcium deficit, there are no controlled nerve signals, and you get a spasm. Calcium-rich foods are dark leafy greens, canned fish (with bones and in oil), and dairy. On average, the daily amount of calcium intake needed is about 1000 mg
  • Magnesium: Helps regulate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a significant energy source for muscle contraction and relaxation. Magnesium-rich foods: spinach, nuts and seeds, halibut, lentils, avocados, soybeans, whole grains, yogurt, bananas, dried fruit, and dark chocolate. The average daily amount of magnesium is 430 mg
  • Sodium: Helps maintain normal body-fluid balance, nerve impulse generation, and muscle contraction. When the electrolyte balance is disturbed, the body will start pulling nutrients from other sources, such as salt. This is why it’s not unusual for an athlete to crave salt after a workout; You can get it naturally by eating certain foods, like celery.
  • Potassium: Plays an essential role in muscle formation and nerve cells and regulates the electrolyte balance in your body. Potassium-rich foods: dark, leafy greens, dried apricots, bananas, white beans, yogurt, avocados, baked acorn squash, salmon, white mushrooms, and baked potatoes (with skin).

Know any other ways to stop muscle spasms? Let us know!

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