2021’s Healthy Holiday Bucket List (Do it as a Family!)


Is your New Year’s resolution for 2022 to become a healthier version of yourself? It is easy to claim that you are going to prioritize your health, however, identifying tangible actions to achieve that goal may be difficult. To help you implement creative, healthy habits as you close out 2021, we have created a detailed healthy holiday bucket list to help you get a head start on your 2022 goals!

Sometimes fitting greens in can be tough, so here is an easy solution, click to see on Amazon.
Some people enjoy journaling with prompts, and some enjoy just writing on blank pages- either way, Amazon has plenty of options!
You don’t need a whole lot of equipment to workout- just grab a mat and do body weight exercises! Click to see on Amazon.
Keeping track of your schedule can help reduce stress. There are a TON of options on Amazon.
  • Find a workout buddy and create a weekly workout schedule: It can be difficult to motivate yourself to get in a good workout, especially when staying inside all day has become the new norm. Find a friend or family member to be your workout buddy! Plan out the days, times and types of workouts you plan on doing together each week. According to the CDC, this will increase your likelihood of feeling motivated, adventurous and consistent. 
Play this workout card game with your friends! Click to see on Amazon.
Organize all the produce- it makes eating your fruits and veggies more enticing! Click to see options on Amazon.
  • Try a new healthy recipe each week: Looking to add healthier meals to you or your family’s diet? Take on the fun challenge of trying a new healthy recipe each week! Opt for recipes that are packed with vegetables and lean protein. This will keep healthy eating fun and exciting as 2021 progresses. 
Click to see healthy cookbooks on Amazon.
Click to buy on Amazon
Click to see on Amazon.
Stay ahead with these meal prep containers! Click to see more options on Amazon.
  • Choose to cook instead of ordering in: Making time for cooking can feel impossible some days. However, doing so gives you more control over the ingredients and portion size, allowing you to feel your best. Choose simple, healthy recipes that require little preparation and cooking time. Invest in a crock pot, pressure cooker or air fryer to help make cooking quick and easy!
Olipop tastes great and without all that added sugar! Click to see on Amazon.
  • Replace unhealthy snacks with healthy alternatives: Mid- day and late night hunger can often lead to consuming bags of highly processed chips and sweets. Choose to prioritize your health by replacing unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives. Healthy snacks can increase nutrient intake, sustain energy levels and help the body recover from exercise. Try out different healthy options including fruits, vegetables or nuts, and find your favorite combination! Begin by swapping out 2- 3 snacks a week for healthier options, and increase them as 2021 progresses. 

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