The race for the 2015 elections are on! With dozens of candidates having already announced their candidacy over a year and a half before the U.S. presidential election, the racetrack has grown, and continues to grow, increasingly competitive.
While a race in politics is not to be taken as a literal test of physical prowess, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t. One of the most pivotal issues in American politics right now is healthcare and with obesity and chronic illness on the rise, Health Fitness Revolution found it necessary to break down the presidential candidates in terms of their political issues regarding health and fitness as well as their personal health.
“The president’s job is a very stressful one that requires him or her to be on duty 24/7. The stress that they are exposed to can affect their health so drastically that if they don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle, they can be subjected to any number of chronic illnesses – both physical and mental,” said HFR Founder and renowned fitness expert Samir Becic.
“Our future president will have much more competition than the previous presidents because of where the modern world is heading – and against other leaders whose views differ, such as Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.” – Samir Becic
HFR included information on the candidates revolving their political party, supporting issues, community involvement and personal health. Is your vote supporting the health and fitness revolution? Find out below!
Disclaimer: Health Fitness Revolution is not associated with any political party nor any one individual candidate. Click to see the Republican candidates.
The Democratic Candidates Fitness Profile
Lincoln Chafee
- Political party: Democrat
- Governor of Rhode Island
- Supporting issues
- Voted yes on including prescription drugs under Medicare
- Advocate of health care reform
- Community involvement
- 2003, attended and spoke at the annual Sailing World Boat of the Year awards to celebrate J/Boats’ national and worldwide recognition
- Dedicated the fitness center at the Newport naval station to his late father, John H. Chafee
- Personal health
- Enjoys being outdoors
- Loves horses; can shoe a horse and has worked on racetracks shoeing horses after graduating college
- Captain of Brown University’s wrestling team
- Enjoys surfing
Hillary Clinton
- Political party: Democrat
- 2nd presidential bid
- America’s first female
presidential candidate
- Supporting issues
- Supports green energy and clean air and water; has supported the EPA and improved funding for mitigating climate change and
- Supports universal health care
- Community involvement
- Working with diet guru Dr. Mark Hyman
- Dr. Hyman remains a health and diet advisor for Clinton
- She is a supporter of his work; his latest book, “The Blood Sugar Solution: 10-Day Detox Diet,” a sequel to his best seller “The Blood Sugar Solution,” provides a 10-day cleanse for quick weight loss
- Personal health
- Hillary Clinton used to have an Olive Burger in high school, and the burger is now renamed to Hillaryburger
Martin O’ Malley
- Political party: Democrat
- Supporting issues
- Concerned with the health and physical activity level of those with disabilities
- Passed the Fitness Athletic Equity Act in Maryland, which promotes expanded athleticopportunities for people with disabilities
- Community involvement
- Spoke with children at an elementary school in Maryland about eating healthy
- Personal health
- Does P90X
- Participates in the annual Special
Olympics Polar Bear Dip - Broke his elbow at the gym while lifting weights
- Rock climbs (and has rock climbed in a suit with a child, according
to a Twitter post) - Shares his workouts on Snapchat
- Made our list of Top 100 Fittest American Politicians
Bernie Sanders
- Political Party: Democrat
- Running Independent (self-described “democratic socialist”)
- Supporting Issues
- Universal health care
- Women’s health issues, pro-choice
- Supports health care programs
for seniors and general senior welfare - Fight income inequality for the health and welfare of the impoverished
- Proposes labelling of all GMO foods
- Believes in raising the minimum wage to a liveable wage
- Community Involvement
- participated in the Civil Rights Movement as a student at Brooklyn College, a student organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- Coordinated sit-in protests against segregated campus housing