It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you have children. You’re busy and tired, and it can be tempting to just stay home and make the most of your time with the little ones. But as parents, it’s important to make time for yourself—and there’s no better way than getting out of the house and enjoying some fresh air.
One great way to do that? A trip to the park! Not only can it be fun for your toddler to release some steam and get some exercise, but if you’re looking for some good exercises to do at the park from Health Fitness Revolution’s Team!
Squats. The workout that keeps on giving.
And by “giving,” we mean: “building a body that looks like a Greek god’s.”
Squats are one of those exercises you can do forever, no matter what age you are. They’re great for building strength in your legs and glutes, but they also help with balance and flexibility. If you’re looking to shake things up and add variety to your leg routine, try incorporating different variations of squats into your circuit!
Wake up the fire in your legs by getting in some squats. You can incorporate different variations of squats to create a circuit and switch up your leg routine. Grow your glutes, quads and hamstrings while keeping a watchful eye on your toddler.
We know the feeling.
You wake up and realize that it’s a beautiful day, and you want to take your baby out for a walk. But by the time you’ve got your shoes on and the baby packed up, they’re already snoozing away in their stroller.
What do you do? Do you just go back inside and watch Netflix?
Absolutely not! You’re not going to let this day go to waste because you slept in a little too late. You can still get in some movement—and enjoy some quality time with your little one—without waking them up. Just grab that stroller, hit the road, and let your baby snooze while you enjoy a brisk walk around the park.
Monkey Bars
Monkey bars are the best, right? I mean, it’s not just me—everyone loves them! And with good reason: they’re a fun and easy way to get a full-body workout.
Monkey bars are simple: just grab on and hang on for dear life! If there’s only a single bar, that’s fine—you can do pull-ups in addition to hanging. But if there are multiple bars, try swinging from one to the next. You can even set yourself a timer and see how many pull-ups you can do in one minute. Can’t master a pull-up just yet? Set a timer on your phone and try your hand at a one-minute hang with your body weight.

The great thing about wanting to work with your legs is that you can do a couple of different things to break a sweat and build muscle. One of those is lunges, all you need is room and your body weight.
You don’t need anything fancy or expensive, just some space and a good pair of shoes. If you want to make this exercise more challenging, try adding weights in each hand, or even just holding a book on your head!
It’s important to make sure that both legs are being worked equally. If you only use one side more than the other it could lead to muscle imbalance down the road which should be avoided- you want a balanced body!
If you try these out for yourself be sure to let us know how they went in the comments!
If you’re the type of parent who likes to put one foot in front of the other, but your kid keeps dragging their feet, then check out our new jogging stroller.
Now you can go for a jog, and your kid can watch Bluey!
We know that sometimes kids just aren’t into going out on a run, so we figured out a solution: why not let them stay home and watch their favorite show while you get some fresh air? A jogging stroller has everything you need to keep your child safe and entertained while they enjoy their favorite show. For example:
-A sturdy frame to keep up with even the most energetic children or pets on your route
-A comfortable seat for long rides (up to 6 hours)
-Built-in speakers so they can listen to music or audio books during their journey
-A cup holder so they can take a sip of water without spilling it all over themselves!
Abdominal Circuit
As we all know, balance and stability are key to a healthy lifestyle. And while it’s easy to forget about those things when you’re busy trying to get your life together, they’re still important.
Do you know what else is important? The sun. So why not combine the two? Get outside, find a nice shady spot in the grass, and get ready to feel the burn as you strengthen your core while enjoying the great outdoors.
Bench Push-Ups
If you’re looking to tone your arms, but don’t have the strength to do full-blown push-ups, bench push-ups could be the best option for you. The best thing about this exercise is that you don’t have to get your hands and knees dirty by getting down on the ground.
You don’t need any equipment or special training to do these exercises—just a sturdy table or bench and some dedication!

Step Ups
tep-ups are an excellent way to incorporate some cardio into your workout without exerting too much effort. The best part is that you can do them anywhere! Step-ups are great because they involve a lot of muscles in your legs and core. When you step up onto something, you use your quads, hamstrings and glutes to push off the ground and lift yourself up. If you do them right, they can also help strengthen your knees!
You can step up the steps of a jungle gym, the edge of a playground where there is a border, or even park benches if you want more of a challenge!
Hey, you know what’s great? Stretching.
And you know what’s even better? The fact that you don’t need to do anything fancy to get a good stretch. You just have to reach and bend and twist in ways that feel good. You don’t even need music or candles or incense—just a little bit of space and some time for yourself, and you’re good to go.
So next time your muscles are feeling tight, give them a good long stretch—no need for complicated routines here! Just get yourself stretched out, then get back to whatever the heck it is you were doing before your body started yelling at you about how much it needed some TLC.
Playing with your Children
When you’re a parent, there are a lot of things you have to do.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind of work, other children, or even just giving your partner quality time. You don’t always have time for yourself, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take some time out for yourself—and your child.
Take them to the playground or park and play with them. You’ll be surprised at how much of your body’s needs are met by simply playing with them!