10 ways Houston’s first responders are helping during the COVID-19 pandemic

From L to R: Art Acevedo, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Samuel PeΓ±a Source: Florian Martin Houston Public Media

As the COVID-19 pandemic affects our nation, our city’s first responders are doing their best to mitigate it’s spread and “flatten the curve”. We have compiled a list of tweets that are relevant to slowing the progression of the Coronavirus.

Being Houston-based, but having a global reach, the HFR team has researched how COVID-19 has affected various countries across the world (we are an international team that can research in multiple languages) and created dozens of articles to make social distancing a little easier, more active, and more fun at home.Β 

β€œPolice Chief Acevedo and Fire Department Chief Pena, and their respective teams are doing a great job in keeping our city safe and operational. After researching multiple major cities across the world, I can say that I’m proud of them!” says HFR founder Samir Becic.

Β Here is how Houston’s first responder are helping slow the spread of the virus:

Houston Police are helping “flatten the curve” by ensuring people maintain social distance

Training safely on new life-saving CPR machines

Building a sense of community

The first responders are testing their force to keep everyone safer

Helping people avoid the rise of cyber crimes, as more people are at home

Giving easy tips on staying sanitized, social distanced, and masked!

Using PPE to protect staff and civilians

They brighten kids birthdays that have been cancelled due to #socialdistancing

They donate blood (supplies are low)

They provide simple social distancing guidelines and explanations

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