10 Ways to Alkalize Your Body


Our body naturally has an ideal pH of 7.3 – 7.45, which is slightly basic, or alkaline. Unfortunately, because of processed foods and chemical-rich environments, many of us maintain an acidic pH in our bodies. The best way to overcome this is to seek foods that help sustain our alkaline pH and avoid foods and products that increase the acidic pH in our bodies. Keeping your body at its natural alkalinity is a significant factor in maintaining your health and avoiding disease. For example, cancer and other conditions thrive in an acidic pH and cannot survive in an alkalized pH. As a result, you may notice that you don’t have that usual runny nose, you are less tired, or your skin breakouts have lessened. In the long run, you may have fewer colds, prevent cancer development, and maintain a healthy body weight if you alkalize your body.

  • Avoid these foods!
    • The best way to maintain an alkaline pH in your body is to avoid or limit foods that, when digested and broken, create an acidic environment in the body. Some of these foods may include:
      • Refined sugars
      • Deep fried foods
      • Processed foods
      • Meats
      • Corn
      • Eggs
      • Dairy products
      • Beans and fish
    • In the most simple terms, stay away from all processed and fried foods, which are highly acidic.
  • Avoid These Beverages!
    • Anything high in sugar should be avoided or limited to promote alkalized pH in your body. These sugary drinks may include:
      • Soda
      • Sweetened teas
      • Processed fruit juices
      • Sports drinks
      • Caffeinated drinks (coffee, caffeinated teas, and energy drinks)
  • Avoid Drinking Alcohol!
    • Alcohol has strong acidic properties. It is no secret that alcohol is not healthy in general. Still, you probably didn’t know that drinking alcohol increases the acidic pH in your body and thus decreases the alkalized pH you naturally have. However, knowing how to balance out this acidic pH when you do drink alcohol is essential. Stay fully hydrated with high pH alkaline water to help neutralize the acidic pH of your body due to the alcohol. In the long run, if your sole goal is to maintain your alkalized pH, avoid alcohol altogether.
  • Drink Fresh Juice!
    • Try drinking fresh green juice every single day. Do this by squeezing the juices of vegetables and fruit yourself! This way, you don’t have to worry about sneaky ingredients like sugar or preservatives. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about pasteurization destroying the delicate vitamins in those juices. Instead, you will have the fluids of precisely what you juice, including the vitamins! This all can contribute to the alkaline pH of your body!
  • Lemons and Limes!
    • Try squeezing lemons and limes into a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. It might sound silly to drink the juice of lemons or limes because they are citrus fruits and seem acidic. Still, they are very alkalizing when processed in the body!
  • Drink Water!
    • Water is essential to life, and our bodies are made up of more than 60% of water. Drinking water can only do good for your health. Water is naturally at neutral pH, so instead of going for a soda, drink water instead! Also, try to drink purified or spring water and avoid tap water with chemicals and other things added to it to sanitize it.
  • Stay Natural!
    • Try using natural baths and body products. Check the ingredients of your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, lotions, facial creams, and make-up. Find these products with basic ingredients. The regular commercial products you see in stores are made with chemicals that can be toxic and affect the body; it can contribute to your body’s acidity.
  • Keep it Green and Organic!
    • Try eating more plant-based foods and go for only grass-fed, organic animal products.
    • Eat more vegetables and fruit.
    • Include other natural foods like wheat grass, barley grass, kelp, cayenne, chlorella, and spirulina.
  • No More Soda, But Baking Soda!
    • If you are trying hard to alkalize your body’s pH, try mixing ½ tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it daily. Suppose you can’t stand the idea of changing anything in your diet. In that case, this may be the most effective and easiest way to bring your pH level up in alkalinity, so try it out!
  • Read The Back Label!
    • Suppose you are aiming to avoid certain foods to help maintain your alkaline pH. In that case, you must be careful about reading the ingredients and contents of the food products you eat and other products you use. What the front of the package says means nothing, even if it says ‘organic’ or ‘all natural’. These labels can be misleading; you can still find the same unhealthy additives, preservatives, and inorganic chemicals as in commercial products. The difference is that the ingredients contain products grown without chemicals or antibiotics and follow the guidelines of what qualifies as organic.

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