What seemed so far away back in December, has now made its way to the United States and nobody knows for certain how fast it will spread. That being said, there are certain no-nos during this time.
There is little long-term data is available on the novel Coronavirus, and a vaccine not yet available, so the best thing we can do to combat it is making our immune systems as robust as possible! Along with getting enough sleep, being diligent in washing your hands with soap and water, and having a nutrient-dense diet, and taking the appropriate supplements, being active can help boost your immune system.
While these times may seem scary and unavoidable, there ARE other precautions we can all take to slow the spread, keep ourselves safe, and help the most vulnerable of our population. Here are Health Fitness Revolution’s tips on things to avoid during the coronavirus pandemic:
Hoarding: Shoppers everywhere are running into the same scene at stores across the country, and it has little to do with supply chain: Shelves empty, people scrambling to grab everything that wasn’t cauliflower pizza, and people arguing with employees over their one-toilet-paper-per-person policy. It is chaos. Please get what you need, but remember that others need things, too. Also, be mindful of the beleaguered staff who are likely working long hours and coming into frequent contact with possibly sick people.
Going to large group gatherings: This one is pretty hard to do now that strict social gathering restrictions are in place in most parts of the country. Still, as the weather improves, it’ll be more important than ever to avoid any kind of large public gatherings even if they’re outside.

Socially distance, but don’t distance socially: You may be self-isolating, but that doesn’t mean you need to refrain from social interaction. The Internet has made it easier than ever to stay in touch with people we aren’t physically next to. Skype with friends, share a movie over Netflix Party, or just call someone over the phone. If you know anyone who may be sick, at-risk, or just lonely, give them a call and help brighten their day.
Hand contact: Hold off on those high fives, fight the urge to fist bump, and hesitate on that handshake. We should all be trying our best to stay at least six feet from one another and to limit our physical contact. If you have to do something, bump elbows or maybe give a nod.
Going to the Emergency Room if you’re not having serious symptoms: For many people, rest will be enough for them to recovery. Flooding the ER if you don’t need emergency medical care takes resources from those who do, further exhausts medical staff, and puts people at risk of catching the virus. Call your state’s hotline if you have symptoms and they can direct you on a safe place to go.

Touch your face: This has been one of the most frequent suggestions from health organizations. It’s also probably the hardest one to follow regularly. At the very least, if you have to, wash your hands thoroughly first.
Buy up protective equipment: If you’re sick and have to be out, a mask is a good way to help protect those around you. There are two primary types of masks, surgical and respirator. Surgical masks don’t create enough of a seal to guarantee your protection from germs, but in a pinch, it could be used to help you prevent others from getting sick. Respirator masks, on the other hand, are designed to keep most particles out, but will not properly fit children or people with facial hair. With nationwide shortages and medical staff not having enough PPE equipment to protect themselves, it is best to leave any masks for our already overwhelmed medical professionals. Alternatively, homemade masks have been found to be helpful, and many hospitals are asking people to donate them to use in a pinch.
Refrain from exercise: Just because you might not be able to go to your gym, doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. There are tons of articles on this site about great workouts you can do from home. Exercise and staying fit are key to a healthy immune system, so bust out the yoga mat and get to work.

Travel: It’s tempting to take a flight now, what with flights costing significantly less than usual, but even if you may feel like your symptoms will be mild, think about the people you could spread it to, both on the way to and at your destination.
Stress out: It’s scary out right now. Everything is being canceled, we’re bombarded with constant news about the coronavirus and its effects on the world, and there’s still a lot we don’t know. Still, try to take some time and step away from that. If only for a moment. Stress has a lot of negative effects on our immune system, so it’s important to manage it, even during this crisis. Read a book, do some yoga, watch your favorite movie, exercise, anything that can help get your mind temporarily over what’s happening. We will get through this, and things will get better.