Nowadays, there are so many different types and brands of yogurt it can be overwhelming when faced with so many options! Yogurt is a very nutritious and contains many health benefits, which you can check out here. Let’s now talk about the different types of healthy yogurt and breakdown the health benefits of each, so you can be better informed for your next grocery store trip!
Traditional yogurt is unstrained resulting in it having a thinner consistency. It comes in a variety of flavors and fat content. Although overall a healthy snack, compared to other types of yogurt it isn’t as high in protein. On the basis of content, it is still a source of protein, calcium, and probiotics.
In terms of consistency, Icelandic is described as thicker and smoother than greek yogurt. It is made primarily with skim milk and is strained four times for thickness. Icelandic yogurt is healthy because it is significantly high in protein and calcium. Also, it is low in fat content. The calcium helps with bone strength and health and the low fat content helps weight management and loss.
Greek yogurt is strained for a thicker texture and unflavored has a bit of a sour taste to it. It is double the amount of protein than traditional yogurt and contains less sugar and carbohydrates. It is also a source of the vitamin B12, which aids in nerve and blood cell health. However, greek yogurt can quickly turn unhealthy because some brands add a ton of sugar and additives to give it a better taste, so pay attention to the brand. Here is a recipe you can try for yourself!

Dairy-free yogurt
Dairy-free yogurt is especially important for lactose intolerant individuals or those following a vegan diet. Some of the health benefits are because it comes from a plant source, they are low in sugar and are naturally sweetened, while still having protein and healthy fats.
Kefir is a fermented yogurt drink that has numerous health benefits. It is high in protein, calcium, minerals, and vitamin D. Additionally, because it undergoes a longer fermentation process, it contains more probiotics that aid in digestion and overall gut health. Read about the health benefits of probiotics here.
Australian yogurt is the happy medium between greek & traditional yogurt. It is unstrained, but cooked slowly so it is creamier in texture. Whole milk is used in the production process and most brands add honey for sweetness. Although slightly higher in calories, Australian yogurt is still a good source of protein and probiotics.

Almond Yogurt
Almond yogurt is a form of non-dairy yogurt, so it is also an option for those lactose intolerant. The yogurt does contain the protein from cow’s milk, therefore the yogurt is thinner, which is why they add additives and thickeners. However, on the healthy side almond yogurt is low in calories, while being high in fiber, calcium, and vitamin E.
Soy Yogurt
Similar to almond yogurt, soy yogurt is also a form of non-dairy yogurt. It is low in cholesterol as well as calories. The downside of soy yogurt, is if nothing is added such as fruits, honey, flavorings, it can have a very bland taste. Since it is non-dairy, it also has less protein and calcium as those with milk from animals.
Coconut Yogurt
Coconut yogurt uses coconut milk as a base, which causes the yogurt to be thin and very sour to taste. For this reason, brands add ingredients and sugar making the yogurt less health beneficial. Coconut yogurt is still high in probiotics, improving immune function. In terms of comparison, because of the high amount of added ingredients, coconut yogurt is less healthy than almond or soy yogurt.
Goat Milk Yogurt
Goat milk yogurt is a good alternative for those with an allergy or negative reaction to cow’s milk, as many are able to tolerate goat milk over cow milk because of the proteins. This yogurt is characterized as thick and creamy with the taste of goat cheese. If you do not like the flavor that much, you can always add fresh fruit! It is high in calcium and is beneficial to your cholesterol levels, while also being easier to digest than the traditional cow’s milk. However, a downside to goat milk yogurt is that it has a higher fat content.