Let’s be honest… having a baby can be a stressful time. Pregnancy has a lot of beautiful moments but nearing the end is when a lot of stress can occur. Having to have everything ready in the home, the birth itself, and the new responsibilities to step up to. The hospital go bag can be tricky to pack for during this situation. Going through what individuals might think to be important to include in the bag and what wouldn’t really be essential. Well here at HFR we do not want mom and baby to have to deal with this stress, so we have made an easy checklist of what should be in the go bag!
Lip Balm
Moms all over have commented about packing lip balm more than any other item. Having lip balm can be helpful to the mother because the hospital air can be dry and cold. Lip balm can assist with having comfortable and happy lips during the hours of delivery. There are many different kinds of chapsticks but this is the most reliable chapstick! A big plus is that its in a pack of three so there will be plenty of chapstick on hand.
Bring Toiletries
Packing a personal bag of toiletries that has items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, soaps, conditioner and deodorant! Moms also recommend face wipes for a quick pick-me-up and dry shampoo for between showers. We found this cute set off amazon that can help mom and dad save money with a travel bag and travel sized bottles so they can use their personal hygiene products and not have to go to the store to buy miniatures.

Having a baby makes mom hungry, and we have never heard anyone raving about amazing hospital food. Do a favor for mom and pack some snacks. We like anything that’s easy to toss in the bag with zero prep-work, like granola bars, crackers, or trail mix. Also just a little tip dads, buy mom her favorite meal after delivery, we are sure all dads and moms will thank us later.
Personal Pillows
Hospitals aren’t known for their comfy pillows and moms want to comfortably enjoy every bit of sleep that they are able to get after the baby arrives! That’s why many moms recommend bringing their favorite pillows from home to help keep them as comfortable as possible during labor and to support the moms when they start breastfeeding. This pregnancy pillow is a big help to moms even before delivery day. It can be placed in many different positions in order to help make mom comfortable anywhere she sits or lays.
Nursing Bra
A comfortable nursing bra is a where there is a free feeling, such as no underwire. nursing sleep is a must for some moms, while others prefer to go braless because of frequent nursing and to ensure lots of skin-to-skin contact in those early hours after birth. Do whatever makes mom comfortable. The bras off amazon our team found have very high ratings due to how easy and comfortable these nursing bras are. The bras have straps that can be unhooked and hooked bag together to make breast feeding easier on mom and provide her comfort as well.
Phone Charger
A phone helps with having a distraction during labor, to contact friends and loved ones when the baby arrives, and for tons of newborn pictures. So, a charger is absolutely essential. Some moms even recommend bringing a longer charging cord that will reach from the wall to the hospital bed. We listened to those moms and found some phone chargers on amazon with a longer cord to help mom have a nice little distraction and to be able to remain comfortable in the hospital bed!
Going Home Outfits
Pack a going-home outfit for mom, dad and baby. The going home outfit for the newborn and parents are a staple point! Moms will probably still be most comfortable in maternity clothes or cozy loungewear, while the baby will need a onesie, socks, a blanket, and any cold-weather gear if it’s chilly outside. We found these comfy tops for the whole family or just for mom, dad and the little one. Who says that coming home outfits can’t be cute and comfy?
Car Seat
Don’t forget to make sure the car seat is ready to go and that mom and dad know how to use it before going to the hospital. This item obviously won’t be fitting in the maternity bag, but we thought it was important to include anyway. This carseat is ranked one of the safest on amazon! We highly recommend mom and dad looking into this carseat for their little one to have the safest trip home.
While mom and baby are learning to breastfeed in the hospital, the nipples may get sore. Lanolin helps soothe and protect them and is completely safe for mom and baby. Lansinoh nipple cream has been the highest ranked nipple cream by doctors and mothers all over the United States!
Pads, Underwear, and diapers
The hospital will give mom pads and mesh underwear while recovering from giving birth. However, some moms swear by bringing their own protection to be more comfortable. Adult diapers are a popular choice. Other moms bring along a well-fitting pair of high-waisted underwear or their favorite brand of overnight pads. All of these pads, underwear and diapers above have been highly recommended by moms and used by hospitals!