10 Health Benefits of Vanilla Extract and Essential Oil


Vanilla extract is made from the pods of the vanilla plant, commonly found in tropical areas of the world. Vanilla extract is famously used for flavoring foods, beverages, fragrances, and even medicinal purposes. Did you know that vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world due to the intensive extraction process of the vanilla pods and high demand? Due to its natural compounds, it is actually antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective… vanilla extract has several beneficial effects on the human body. However, research is limited, and most studies focus on vanilla’s specific compounds. Here are 10 health benefits to adding vanilla extract to your next snack or essential oil diffuser!

  • Antioxidant effects: Vanilla extract is rich in antioxidants with it’s primary compound being vanillin. This is the most researched part of the vanilla bean. While synthetic vanillin for flavor is produced in China, France, and the United States- only the natural compound has health benefits. Vanillin is an antioxidant that aids in destroying the free radicals that damage the cells in the body. Free radicals can form naturally in the body, but can become excessive when the body is exposed to certain components in foods and the environment. The antioxidant properties of Vanilla were proven to inhibit the free radicals responsible for tumor development in the research Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Although inflammation is an essential part of a normal immune response, chronic inflammation can cause several health concerns, which may lead to increased risk of other chronic diseases. Eating or incorporating foods that are anti-inflammatory compounds may reduce inflammatory responses in the body and promote a healthy immune system. It has been shown, mostly on studies with mice, that vanilla products contain powerful anti-inflammatory effects from it’s vanillin compound. Always make sure to dilute the vanilla extract in water or use as directed.
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  • Reduce added sugar intake: Using vanilla extract or vanilla bean powder in foods and beverages could help reduce added sugar to specific foods. In a 2020 study, 129 young adults concluded that adding vanilla aroma to drinks enhanced their perceived sweetness. Therefore, this study showed that adding vanilla extract to baked goods, tea, or milk can sweeten the items and reduce the need for added sugar.
  • Promotes healthy hair: There are quite a few essential oils that can help to promote hair growth. For example, coconut oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, and olive oil. Vanilla essential oil contains natural properties that help treat split ends, hair loss, and inflammation to strengthen the hair and scalp. Try adding a few drops of pure vanilla essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner along with a mixture of coconut oil for your hair and scalp. 
  • Eases anxiety and depression: Aromatherapy has been proven to ease anxiety and other symptoms so it is no surprise that vanilla essential oil is one of those aromas that can induce calmness when inhaled. Vanillin was proven to significantly reduce depression when compared to fluoxetine, a medically prescribed antidepressant. Researchers tested the vanillin antidepressant properties on mice by providing an oral dosage of 100 mg/kg and found it as effective as an antidepressant. Try adding a few drops of vanilla oil to your milk, decaf coffee, or tea to help reduce anxiety.

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  • Reduces acne: Depending on the severity of acne- it cause anxiety, depression, stress and low immune health. Vanilla extract can help reduce acne due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In other words, the compounds in vanilla essential oil can eliminate the infection and increase the healing process of the skin. 
  • Aid in weight loss: Not a lot of research has been conducted on this topic but certain studies have shown that vanilla extract can help individuals lose weight (Keep in mind that exercise and diet play a primary role in weight loss). However, vanilla extract and vanilla bean powder can be added to your everyday diet for to help keep sugar at bay (and leads to weight loss). Try adding a few drops of vanilla extract to drinking water, protein shake, or energy drink. 
  • Promotes digestive tract health: The inhalation of vanilla extract candles and essential oils are believed to soothe and calm any irritation or inflammation in the digestive tract. This soothing effect is caused by the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of vanilla essential oil. In The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia, it states that in Latin America they use vanilla root tea to treat digestive problems. Try adding a few drops of vanilla extract to your tea, milk, or decaf coffee to soothe any tension in the stomach or mind.
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  • Relieves nausea: The scent of vanilla extract has been used to aid in the feelings of nausea by calming the stomach. Adding a few drops of vanilla extract to water can relieve the feeling of nausea. Not only will it relieve nausea but vanilla extract is a good remedy for vomiting as well.
  • Aphrodisiac properties: Vanilla extract has been used for thousands of years, dating back to the Aztecs and early Mesoamerican cultures. These cultures prepared vanilla to adorn their sacred places and used vanilla as an aphrodisiac. Recent data claims that vanillin can help relieve problems of impotence. While more studies are needed to further support this claim, a recent study demonstrated that vanillin in dosage of 200 mg/kg showed aphrodisiac properties in male wistar rats. Try adding a few drops of vanilla extract to your favorite dessert or drink or maybe buying your favorite vanilla scented perfume.  

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