10 Games that Improve Cognitive Function that you can Buy on Amazon


Your brain is more than the control center of your body. It is also a muscle that needs to be trained in order to keep it up and running! Brain training games are one of the ways you can improve mental and cognitive function while having fun. We previously wrote an article about the health benefits of board games, and now we are taking it a step further with games that are particularly good for cognitive health. These brain games can help sharpen your cognitive skills like memory, focus, and speed. These games are perfect for all ages, and there are so many games to choose from. Here are the top 10 games that improve cognitive function that can be found on Amazon:

Sudoku Puzzles

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  • Sudoku is a logic-based combinatorial number placement problem composed of a matrix with rows, columns, and subgrids.
  • The problem is based on three simple rules that the numbers should not repeat in the subgrid, row, or column.
  • This game relies heavily on short term memory, and it also needs to be played with an immense amount of concentration so you don’t put numbers in the box that don’t belong there.
  • Sudoku puzzles come in many different degrees of difficulty. You can start out with the easier puzzles and work your way up to ones that are more challenging. 
  • In a study done by Nicola Ferreira, it was found that sudoku is a good cognitively stimulating leisure-time activity, and it is thought to keep the brain healthy.
  • This Sudoku Book has over 1,000 puzzles, large pages, and puzzles that vary in difficulty, so everyone can use this book to improve their cognitive function. 

Crossword Puzzles

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Rubik’s Cube

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  • The Rubik’s Cube is another classic brain game, for it is one of the most famous types of brain puzzles. 
  • There are over 43 quintillion combinations, but only one solution!
  • The Rubik’s Cube combines mathematics, science and art in order to challenge your mind and problem solving skills. 
  • In a study done by Elizabeth J. Meinz, it was found that participants have a higher measure of fluid intelligence, and it was predictive of efficient and accurate Rubik’s cube skill. The study results provide compelling evidence for the importance of intellectual talent (cognitive ability) in developing expertise in a complex task. 
  • The Rubik’s Cube is the perfect game for those who may need something to keep them busy. It can also be used as a fidget toy.


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  • Chess is another classic brain game that is played all over the world. 
  • This intense intellectual game brings together people of all ages and backgrounds, and it challenges its players in the best way. 
  • Chess helps improve a player’s memory, for the game relies heavily on the use and memorization of the moves and their potential outcomes. Players also benefit from memorizing complex chess positions to help them win the game. 
  • In a study done by Fariba Fattahi, it was found that the recall ability of chess players was higher than those who did not play chess. This shows that chess players have a higher auditory memory. 
  • Chess also allows players to have better planning skills. These chess games are built around long periods of thinking and contemplation of each player’s moves.
  • In a study done by J M Unterrainer, it was found that chess players demonstrated significantly better planning skills than the group that did not play chess. Also, people in the chess group spent a lot more time making decisions during the cognitive functioning test involving pegs and beads. 

Jigsaw Puzzles

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  • Scrabble is another great brain game to improve your cognitive function. 
  • It is a great way to challenge and entertain yourself and people of all ages. 
  • This board game requires its player to strategically think of words or phrases that will give them the most points. 
  • The most obvious advantage of playing this game is that players can improve their vocabulary. Players learn to quickly derive words that use a variety of suffixes and prefixes, which typically give them more points. 
  • In a study done by Sophia van Hees, the transfer of skills were tested in competitive Scrabble players. It was found that neuroimaging results provide evidence of brain transfer, which provided new clues about the long-term training associated with competitive Scrabble expertise.
  • This fun and engaging game allows its players to relax and enjoy the leisurely nature of the game. It is fun to play this game with the whole family, which can help players feel more connected. 


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Trivia Games

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  • Trivia games come in many different categories and difficulty levels. 
  • This fun and stimulating game allows 2 to 6 players to test their knowledge, and see just how much they know about certain topics. 
  • In a study done by Greta M. Fastrich, it was found that trivia games can help improve your memory. Playing trivial games can also help improve your memory in the short term and in the long term. In the short-term, trivia games can help improve your memory by stimulating your mind and helping you to remember information more effectively. In the long-term, trivia games can help improve your memory by building new neural pathways in your brain.
  • Trivia games also promote learning and teamwork. This game allows players to listen and think critically while the other team members are going for their turn. 
  • Trivial Pursuit Master Edition is a great trivia game. It is perfect for the trivia buff who loves to show off how smart they are. 
  • It includes over 2,900 intriguing, challenging, and sometimes humorous questions, and it features 6 question categories including geography, entertainment, history, art and literature, science and nature, and sports and leisure. 


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  • Checkers is another classic game that can be used for therapeutic purposes, as well as cognitive development.
  • This popular game involves strategy, critical thinking, and problem solving. 
  • Checkers is a great game for improving cognitive skills and emotional development. 
  • Checkers is a great game for increasing social interaction and communication skills as well.
  • In a study done by Stephanie Schultz, it was found that there is a correlation between playing cognitively stimulating games like checkers and an increase in brain volume. It was also found that playing games like checkers can help improve cognitive health for those who have Alzheimer’s.
  • This two-player strategy game comes with a classic red and black game board and matching game pieces. 

Matching Card Game

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  • Matching card games test your memory and cognitive skills. 
  • These games help test your short-term memory and ability to remember patterns. 
  • Matching games also help enhance focus and concentration. Players must constantly pay attention to the cards that were flipped over, and remember where possible matches are. 
  • The matching card games can also help increase fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.
  • In a study done by Nicole R. Scalise, it was found that numerical memory and matching card games improved children’s working memory skills.

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