10 Benefits of Natural (Non-Toxic) Deodorant


Not taking a look at the ingredients in a product is something we all do, especially with deodorant. Everyone sweats, whether it be a lot or a little, deodorant is something that many people choose to use to help fight against the odor associated with sweating. While many people claim that natural deodorants aren’t effective in masking unpleasant odors, there are ones that will work just right for them. So, is switching to natural deodorant the right thing for you? We previously wrote about why you should consider making the switch here. Now, we are highlighting the benefits of your new natural deodorant life! Here are the benefits of switching from chemical to natural.

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Allows sweat and detoxification

One important process your body needs to conduct is sweating. By sweating, your body is getting rid of unnecessary toxins that no longer serve it and regulate body temperature. When using traditional antiperspirant deodorants, you aren’t allowing your armpits to breathe and release the toxins that aid the body’s detoxification processes. Non-toxic deodorant will help you cool down while also allowing sweat to release.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Over time, many people have questioned whether aluminum found in deodorants was linked to breast cancer or not. This is due to the fact that since deodorant is such an important part of a lot of people’s daily routine, the build up of aluminum can act as estrogen in the body- causing an increase in the risk of developing breast cancer. Therefore, switching to natural ingredients can help reduce this risk.


Without the long list of chemicals on the back of your deodorant bottle, your skin will be thanking you. Traditional deodorants contain harsh chemicals, and your skin can become irritated if it is sensitive. A study was conducted that found that deodorant disrupts the skin’s natural microbiome which helps the skin’s health. Therefore, making the switch to non-toxic can greatly help the health of your skin.

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Stops odors

Sweat is not the culprit of odors, it’s the bacteria that mixes with it. This is due to the sweat glands secreting sweat which then mixes with the bacteria on the skin, resulting in an odor. Natural deodorants contain many natural botanicals that work to mask odors and minimize bacteria (the cause of bad odors). 

Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Did you know that too much exposure to aluminum may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease? There are several studies that show aluminum can be found in the brain lesions of Alzheimer’s patients. While more research needs to be done in explaining the correlation, it’s safer to choose non-toxic deodorant options without aluminum for health.

Natural Ingredients

Being all-natural is a great aspect of non-toxic deodorants as opposed to chemical loaded traditional deodorants. Made from botanicals that neutralize odors, no preservatives, and no artificial fragrances will leave you with the safest ingredients for your body.

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Not only is natural deodorant good for your skin, but it’s also better for the environment! With natural ingredients, you are not releasing chemicals into the environment. In addition, many natural deodorant companies like to be “greener” all the way down to the packaging, such as ‘Tom’s Natural Deodorant’ which offers recycled packaging.

Reduces risk of kidney disease

Aluminum exposure has been linked to an increased risk of kidney disease in addition to cancer and alzheimers. This is due to the fact that if there is too much exposure to aluminum, the kidneys would not be able to remove the heavy metal from the body. Therefore, it is important for those dealing with chronic kidney disease to talk to their providers about deodorant with aluminum.

No more pit stains

One annoying aspect of non-natural deodorant is the stains they can leave behind in the armpit area of shirts! When aluminum and sweat mix, you can find yourself with yellow staining stuck on your clothes. Since natural deodorants do not contain aluminum, you will no longer have to deal with staining on your clothes under your arms.


Being chemical-free is the best part of natural deodorants. As we mentioned, many of the chemicals in deodorants have been linked to different health problems. Parabens, which are artificial preservatives, affect hormones and could lead to breast cancer. Triclosan, a chemical found in deodorant to kill bacteria, can cause reproductive and thyroid problems. These are just a few of the many chemicals found in deodorant- switching to non-toxic and all-natural deodorant is a cleaner, healthier option for your body.

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