The Amazing Health Benefits of Sprouted Grains


We’ve already given you many reasons to switch from white bread to whole wheat bread in an article here.  Now we are taking it up a notch and giving you some reasons to include Sprouted Whole Grains into your diet.

What is the difference between Whole Wheat bread and Sprouted Grain bread?

  • Whole Wheat bread is made by grinding wheat kernels into whole-wheat flour. Whole wheat provides fiber, and naturally-occurring vitamins and proteins.
  • Sprouted grain bread is made from wheat kernels that have been sprouted, grounded and baked into bread.  This process keeps even more of the nutrients in the bread. 

Why to Include more Sprouted Grains into your diet:

  • Easier to Digest:  The sprouting process essentially pre-digests the starches for you by breaking them down into simple sugars.
  • Better for Blood Sugar Levels:  One study found that eating sprouted grain breads (not Ezekiel, but similar to it) reduced the blood sugar response and increases the glucagon response when compared to eating unsprouted breads, 11-grain, 12-grain, white, or sourdough.
  • Contain more protein and less fat than other breads:  Sprouted grains contain about 75 percent of the carbohydrates compared to whole grains, contain a little more protein, and only about 40 percent of the fat of whole grains.
  • Contain Less Gluten:  While not gluten free, it can be easier for slightly gluten-sensitive individuals to eat. (However, sprouted bread is not recommended for Celiac patients or those with true gluten allergies.)
  • Usually do not contain preservatives:  Which is why these types of bread are found in the fridge and freezer sections of health food stores.


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