The 50-year-old preacher made headlines a couple of years ago when he was pictured in Hawaii with 6-pack abs, which is a testament in itself to how much he exercises. Joel Osteen frequently posts diet and fitness advice on his website, encouraging people “to take care of your temple. Don’t put things in that you know shouldn’t be in. Limit the sugars. Limit the caffeine. Drink more water. Eat more fruits and vegetables and don’t live off of these packaged lunch meats,” Osteen advises. “Eat more organic when you can. More baked and less fried.” He cares so much about the health of his congregation that he even appointed one of the top fitness experts in the world, Health Fitness Revolution founder Samir Becic to be in charge of Health and Fitness at his mega-church, Lakewood in Houston, TX. We wrote about it in an article here. Samir says “Joel Osteen makes me laugh so hard that sometimes I have a sore stomach, laughter is a key component of health.” Joel also made our Top 10 Fittest Religious Leaders in the U.S. list. His church, Lakewood, also made our Top 50 Fittest Mega Churches in America list.